Yes and no. I am scared but also hopeful, scared that I am going to somehow get it wrong even if I give it my all and scared of change even though my current life is totally unmanageable which it in fact is.
That I get over myself and learn to value what is real important in life
That I will never “get it” If that makes sense
I feel like it’s the only thing that has a chance of working but the fear remains
I don’t know. Why now? If not now then when? Never? I guess I’d rather try and fail than not try at this moment
That’s an excellent question, I think the efforts will answer that better than words, I’ve given a lot of meaningless words.
Pretending that working the steps can wait, I am willing to give up that notion and give up the idea that my current way of life is capable of keeping me sane and sober.
Yes! I believe that if I fully apply the principles in this program and rely wholly on the grace of God and the atonement of his son Jesus Christ, I can overcome my addictions and become the person he wants me to be!!!
That I will confront myself and understand who I have become and learn how to let God control my life and become the husband and father that I want to be!
That I will fail and loose my wife and family. Loose other positive things in my life and be exposed to the public.
I feel that will work for me if I genuinely put forth the required effort and through relying on God, my wife and my fellow brothers!!
Yes! I have tried to do it by myself and with some help from others and realize it is the only way!
I am getting everything out in the open and am going to stop Lying!
My pride, my addictions, and use the time spent and money spent doing them to make recompense for the pain and suffering I have caused to wife and family!
Yes. I want more peace in my life.
I become more willing and able to do God's work.
I will see things about me that I don't like.
Because it always works. I see it in others. I have felt it.
Yes. I want to live in peace with those around me.
More structure. Willingness. Drive to succeed.
Lust. Desire. Fantasy.
Yes. I have done many things to try to stop which have not been effective. I am willing to try anything so I can experience a spiritual transformation that will lead to lasting change.
Change my behavior to reflect God's will for me. Experience true happiness as I strive to make changes. I also want to increase in my desire to change not out of fear, but with a stronger motivation that will remain constant.
Become fatigued from step work to the point where I stop working the steps. That or just become complacent, lazy, or otherwise no longer interested or invested in completing the steps. I am also afraid of opening old wounds as I dig up the past and deal with those emotions and memories.
From my experience, when I tried to do recovery passively, it wasn't helpful and I relapsed. So I am brought here, prepared to do what it takes to get better. If what is recommended is daily step work, then so be it, and I look forward to learning more about my addiction and what recovery looks like.
Yes, more than ever. My addiction has progressed to a new and dangerous point where I was considering a "real" extramarital affair. The fear and the pain of losing my family and my relationship with my wife has exceeded any pain or fear that may be experienced as I begin recovery.
This time, I have set the expectation of going to a minimum of two meetings per week and completing step work on a daily basis. Seeing the effect my addiction has had on family, I am willing to do whatever it takes to live a different kind of life where my addiction isn't jeopardizing my relationships with family.
Certainly the manifestations of my addiction, including pornography, masturbation, seeking extramarital sex, using my wife as just a sex object, and lusting after others. I am willing to leave behind anything else that may be a barrier to sobriety, which may include restrictions to some internet sites or social media. I realize it also may include changing my morning and bedtime routines. I may have to leave behind time spent on hobbies or other areas of my life so I can focus on recovery.
I am very much looking forward to working the steps. I am finally able to use all the energy I have been using for decades to conceal and rationalize to a healthy life of recovery and healing. I have an underlying sense of hope, even excitement for the chance to be a better man and to rebuild the relationships in my life.
I am hopeful for tools and routines that will enable me to live a better life. A life free from shame and regret. I am looking forward to understanding my true self and learning to rely on God and my Savior to fight the fight I am unable to fight on my own. I am also looking forward to helping others and to truly turn this weakness into a strength.
At this point, I don't have any fears. I am done caring about what other people think of me. The peace that has come with full transparency and vulnerability has been amazingly freeing.
I do feel that they can be part of my everyday routine moving forward. I have habits of daily study and this is something that can be incorporated along with those things.
As I learn more about myself and my addiction, I understand that I cannot do it alone. I have been fooling myself thinking that it was just a matter of will power. I am ready to do whatever I need to do to be free from the shame and guilt and the vicious addictive cycle that I have been living with. I am done hurting those I love. My wife and 5 children have been impacted enough. Being separated from my wife and seeing the trauma I have caused her has given me the perspective necessary to fully commit to the changes I need to make.
Everything is different this time. No one ever knew I had issues. My father (who died in 2000) and various church leaders over the years were the only ones who knew until I told my wife my struggles after we were married for about a year and a half. I have opened up to so many people and have received so much love and support. My children all know, my mother and father-in-law know, all of my wife's siblings and their spouses know, several of my closest friends now. I have confessed to multiple church leaders and am experiencing the changing heart that comes from humble repentance. I have sought the aid of therapists for the first time in my life. I have attended multiple groups of fellow addicts (both online and in-person) and reached out to many. I am fully committed to working the 12 steps and living a life of healthy sobriety and recovery. Everything is different this time.
Honestly, whatever is necessary to leave behind.
Yes I am, absolutely. I have had a serious problem for a very long time, and was never able to seek out help because of weakness, shame, and guilt, and not realizing the extent of the problem until it came to light -- from friends, family or loved ones. It had developed into an issue that needs professional help. I don't want to live like this anymore. I thought I could do this on my own, I thought I had the strength to overcome my sexual and pornography addiction but I cannot. And I have hurt the only person who really matters in my life because of this.
I hope that I develop practical skills that will help me get over and heal my addiction. I hope that I develop the strength to keep this moving forward. I also hope these steps will help me in practical ways with another indulgence issue I experience which is food.
I am afraid that I might fail. I am afraid that even if I succeed, the person I love most will be too hurt and upset from what has happened to continue to love me and be in a relationship with me. I am afraid I could end up alone for the rest of my life. I am afraid I will lose everything that truly matters.
I feel this will work for me because I don't want to live the way I do anymore. I am committed. I am physically sick from what I have done and I need to change, otherwise I don't know how I will go on. I have no other options.
I am really ready. I thought I could handle my addiction on my own before, but I was too weak and too far ingrained in the habit that has formed from 18 years of addiction.
I have hurt the person I love most 3 times now, with my action, with my dishonesty, and my lying and cheating behind her back with this condition.
I am dedicating myself to professional help and programs. I will follow these diligently. I don't want anything else in life other than to repair the damage I have done to myself and to the love of my life. I have never felt this way about changing and I want to change once and for all.
Everything. I will leave behind everything that I need to leave behind to practice a new normal.
I have been in "recovery" for 10 years. The most time I have spent sober was 2 years. Looking at what I have done/not done I found I have been inconsistent with doing the steps and counseling. What I had two years, I was regularly going to counseling and attending meetings but still inconsistent step work beyond the first step.
I hope to change as a person. To better myself in all aspects of my life aside from just recovery. To rebuild trust in my marriage. To become a person whose outside matches the inside with no secret life. To rid myself of shame. To be better able to confront life's challenges without reaching for sexually acting out as a solution.
I'm afraid I won't be able to find recovery or sobriety. I have been working on this for many years and can't seem to find a solution. I am determined to do all I can to change my behavior and improve myself.
It will keep the importance of recovery on the forefront of my mind. It will provide tools for overcoming everyday life challenges without reaching for my "drug." For the first time in my "recovery" I will use a sponsor to guide me through the steps. Someone who has lots of sobriety under their belt.
YES!!!! Because I have hurt my wife too much. I'm tired of being controlled by my desires. I'm through living a secret life.
I will include all facets of recovery...
1. Sponsor
2. Step Work
3. Meetings
4. Mental Health Counselor
The only thing I am uncertain about is approaching church leadership. Last time I was disfellowshipped I didn't find much value in it other than feeling shamed.
Every lustful behavior. Triggers and rituals that seemed to help but really were hurting me. My old way of living that including looking for daily lust hits, seeking out anything sexual to read, look at etc...
I am a little anxious about working the steps. I'm worried that I won't be committed 100% - I don't want to start and stop. I want to be a green light the whole time. I want to improve my relationship with God, surrender the blockades and hurdles that stand between Him and me. I want to find recovery and some sanctuary from the brutal forces of addiction. I know a lot of men have found recovery in these steps, and for that, I am excited to begin to follow down the same trail.
I hope that as I work the steps, I increase in humility and my ability to let God into my life. I hope that by working the steps I have more access to God's power. I hope that I begin to turn away from my addiction in new and promising ways.
I'm afraid that I won't commit. I'm afraid that I'll be prideful and disagree with material and therefore not let it into my heart.
If I don't start doing this daily, I'm afraid it will never become a true quest of mine. The fact of the matter is, currently I only work on recovery on the days I slip up. I want to be in recovery every single day so that I can begin to double down on the addiction and finally take this seriously.
I am recently married, and I don't want to create pain and suffering for myself and my wife. I want our marriage to flourish, free of the challenges and pains of addiction. Not because I don't want us to experience pain or challenges, but because addiction is soul-destroying and has damaging effects that sometimes last generations. I know that some of me still wants my addiction, but some of me wants God to step in and to be free of it.
I'm finally in a spot in life where my spiritual life isn't so ritualistic and rigid. I can take time every day to work on the 12 steps and now that I'm growing closer to God.
I don't know if anyone is ever completely ready, but I do want to begin.
I'm going to do it for myself. I don't want to have this weakness - I know it brings me down, and so I am going to recover for me. I know that even here in my answers I've mentioned spouse/family, but this time I'm going to try to think about the damage it's doing on me.
This time I'm going to work it daily. I'm not going to free-load at a local meeting, but rather I'm going to actively be contributing and working on things.
I am leaving behind my pride that this won't work.
I am leaving behind the belief that I don't deserve recovery.
I am leaving behind the belief that I'll never get over this.
I am leaving behind laziness, and not putting my recovery off until later.
I am leaving behind isolation, and striving daily for connection.
I am leaving behind efficiency, and focusing on intimacy with God.
Yes- I need so much help to understand what being in recovery means. It is not sobriety.
I stay sober
I learn to understand what recovery is.
I learn to better share with janee
I will get divorced and give up in recovery
I will get board
A new patern, consistancy works for me, a new habit to replace old habits
There is a proven track record that it works
YES- becaus my family is at stake
I have been completely honest in my confession this time. I am at ground zero, or am just about to be
All my sins, and pride, and
Yes, I am looking forward to working the Steps, because I want to be free from the addiction. I want to be in recovery and feel the serenity that comes from living in recovery.
I hope my thought patterns and faulty belief systems change. I hope I can break the cycle of addiction
I am afraid it might not work long-term...
So far, having 3 weeks of sobriety, I have felt more at peace with myself and have had a clear mind. I feel taking time each day to work on my recovery will - over time - change my behavior and thought patterns
Absolutely. I have waited for far too long. I was brought to earth with my latest arrest. My life is unmanageable, and I am powerless over my addiction.
I have started seeing a counselor, attending meetings, working with Bishop, meeting with Jeff, I now have a sponsor. Everything is different this time.
I am willing to leave behind old thought patterns, old coping mechanisms, pornography, masturbation, exhibitionism, pride, secrecy, lies, self-loathing, negative thoughts and beliefs
Yes, absolutely
To gain further insight into recovery and living a more balanced and congruent life.
I won't be consistent
It is something that I need to be continually engaged in and writing is the best way to work the steps.
Yes. Working through the steps is something I will continue to do.
Doing so with good sobriety and recovery tools.
Expectations and perfection.
I am in a good place and I dont want to revert back to bad behaviors because I havent done the work.
I hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the addiction
I am afraid that I may become complacent and not do my daily work
Working the steps daily will keep me focused on who I want to be.
I am ready to surrender my facades and be real in life.
I am ready
The walls and the lies,
I think I am; however, it's scary as well. I have suffered from my addictions for a long, long time. I have tried several times to beat it, but to no avail. Maybe this time ...
I hope to discover the real problem(s) that my addictions are symptoms of and develop successful ways to remove/combat these problems.
This time I am not overly concerned about success or failure, for my resolve is to make whatever changes in/to my life to know true happiness and peace.
I believe that doing the steps daily in this course will help me be successful in finding the real me, thereby leading to the peace I seek. Doing this daily in bite-sized lessons will keep me engaged in the process and not overwhelm me while doing so.
Yes. Although I am still learning to trust Him.
I have a sponsor. The daily sessions will keep me accountable. Having to respond to these questions will force my journaling on a daily basis.
Right now I will say, "Everything necessary!", knowing full well that there will come times when I will probably protest vehemently for having to do so. We'll see.
Yes I'm looking forward to starting a more structured and regular study of the 12 steps. I have heard and believe it is one of the pillars of recovery. I have seen in change my brother and sisters lives in AA and also in SAL meetings.
I hope to gain a better understanding of my addiction and recovery and to provide structure in my recovery. I hope daily study will help me start my day with more power and help carry me through the day. I want to learn the Steps so I can later share with others.
I'm afraid to fail and act out. I don't want to go back to day 1 of sobriety. I'm afraid of losing hope and going back to that life of addiction.
I think the structure the daily work will be helpful for me as it will provide lift each day. It will keep me safer between meetings.
Yes, I have been working on recovery in other ways. I've already achieved some level of sobriety but I know it's not enough. Last year I decided I could no longer live the lies and betrayal. I wanted out for good. I had tried and failed so many times. I was willing to give it my all this time and listen to others who had succeeded.
I'm willing to try everything. 12 Steps, meetings, counseling, I've done disclosure with my wife and with Church leaders. I feel if not now I will die in my addiction.
I'm willing to leave my flirting with my addiction. Either through apps or TV. Staying away from the edge. I'm willing to use the time I was spending on the edge in helpful and meaningful ways. So instead of looking at TicTok I'm listening to a podcast. Replacing the edge with positive influences.
Yes. To gain understand of my mind
Clearer thinking recovery vs sobriety
Keep me focused
Yes I want to level up
I’ve learned how to be sober
Old habits
I feel like I am looking forward to working the steps because I am hoping that it will help in my process of overcoming my addiction.
I hope that as I work the steps I will maintain my sobriety and find ways to help me realize that I do not need to have this addiction in my life, it does only harm to myself and others.
I am afraid of myself, that I'll let my addiction get the better of me, even if that isn't the case right now, I want to make sure I never go backwards in my recovery.
I feel this will work for me because I will constantly be making the effort to better myself every day. Even if I'm not at a meeting, or at therapy, this will keep my mind focused on my goal to heal.
I feel like I am ready to let go of my addiction, it has gone on long enough and it is only hurting those around me, including myself. I do not believe in any higher power whatsoever, but I do believe that I have to believe in myself, a better version of myself that isn't shackled down by my addiction. I chose now to start my recovery because I can't let it go on any longer, I've caused too much damage and I do not want to cause any more.
The difference in my efforts this time is me actually putting in the work and staying dedicated to my goals.
I am leaving behind a person who was selfish, inconsiderate, and overall, a horrible person to those around. That person is myself with my addiction, and I am ready to let go of that and become a better man.
Yes, I'm really looking forward to working the steps again. It might be uncomfortable to revisit some of the steps I've done before and really fill them out more, but I'm looking forward to it.
I hope I further develop my relationships with everyone around me, and myself. I want to stay grounded and connected with myself throughout the day, and be able to course correct when I feel myself disconnecting.
I'm afraid that the success in recovery that I've previously seen was a fluke. I'm afraid it won't work for me this time, that I won't know how to surrender fully. I'm afraid that I'm broken and different.
I feel like working the steps daily will work for me. I'm confident that miracles will happen, because I've seen them before. The more you put in the more you get, so I know if I have these actions I'll be able to thrive in recovery.
Yes, I'm ready. I've attempted to stop so many times. I know I'm powerless when I rely on myself. I need help from my Higher Power every day. I'm ready because I want to leave the pain of recovery behind me.
I have a sponsor that I'm working with. I'm checking in with him twice a week. I'm working this curriculum. I have the motivation to make calls and work my recovery every day.
I'm willing to leave behind the perceived freedom that I once had. I'm willing to go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, give up certain hobbies and relaxations. I'm willing to do anything.
At the moment, I am struggling with letting my wife know that I think that I have a sexual/lust addiction. However, as I have been reading the material in the white book, I as I have read quite a few pages in Sitting in a Rowboat Throwing Marles at a Battleship, I strongly sense that I have a great deal of lust. I am hoping that I will learn to love more and lust less.
As I mentioned above, I hope to my lusts are subdiued that I feel full of love and affection in its place. I hope the steps take away my blindness and give me vision. I am expecting that as I see better I may experience some pain by what I see, but I hope that the steps help me to truly love myself better in spite of revealing my flaws I hope that the steps give me hope while I work through these flaws.
I am afraid that my wife may be so disappointed in me as her husband that our relationship may sour. We have been married 51 years as of June 4th of this year and, for me, I have loved living with her. She lights up my life, but I must admit that there have been some struggles because of my unfulfilled lusts within our marriage. I have frequently desired more than she is willing to give.
When I read from the white book that I may have to back off of sex within my marrieage for a time to prove that sex is "optional" it causes me a lot of fear. My wife and I have had to negotiate our current relationaship that, at least, gives me a marginal expectation for some sex and not none.
I really don't know if working them on a daily basis will, or will not, work for me. However, I understand that working them on a "daily" basis would probably be a good idea since a day is a natural incremental basis. Currently, I read scriptures and say multiple prayers on a daily basis. I don't want to be a Zoramite and worship once weekly and never address my spiritual needs during the week. I believe that much of working the steps will be an opportunity to cleanse my spirit.
As I noted under the title "What am I afraid might happen" I am afraid to let go of my gains, that is my negotiated sexual privileges. It took me a long time to get to a point where I had any right to expect any regular sexual opportunities within my marriage. I lived in desperation for sex. But, as I read the white book, there seems to be an allusion to better days ahead if I do let go of my addiction and turn my will over competely to the care of a Higher Power. I have no reason to believe that will happen yet, but I am willing to make the attempt. In reality, I don't think the status quo is working all that well and I need a life that is not ruled over by my lusts and passions as it has been.
Why now? Because I just got entangled in a horrible situation that caused me to have to go to my Bishop with the shameful admission that I had sinned. I felt horrible and a great deal of shame. I am tired of feeling shame.
I don't understand the question. But if "this time" means that I am back again to where I was some years back and having to see my bishop to confess again, I am thoroughly tired of misbehaving and having to pay the price of shame and fear and a loss of the Spirit. I want to be a clean vessel before the Lord. I want to be a clean vessel in my own eyes. I want to full of light, love and truth and not fearful, dark and experiences of self distain.
I am not sure how to answer this question. I suspect that I will learn alot about myself by working the steps and some of those things that I learn will be behaviors that I will need to leave behind. But for now, I want to leave behind the lust in order to practice the "new normal," but I don't know what that looks like yet.
Yes. I’ve been in the program for a while but have bogged down on step 4 and need to push ahead.
Find peace improve relationship with god.
My loved ones won’t want me around.
I do have a hard time doing things consistently, but a little every day should keep me on track.
I hope so. I feel its tug from time to time and want to feel unwilling to give in.
Daily work.
Whatever it takes.
I look forward to having some growth, but don't look forward to the pain that will come. I also have a hard time with steps 2-3 cause they FEEL like they should be easy but I don't have a good handle on them.
I trust God more. I recognize more character flaws to surrender. I feel more peace.
...That I might give up -- just feeling exhausted with trying.
I know it has in the past. Even if some days were meh, trying to put energy into it each day was really helpful for me.
I want to. I fear my own desires....
Why apathy has increased, my faith has decreased...if I don't do something now I'm gonna regret it.
Daily accountability (to myself)
acting out?
I am looking forward to it as i feel having steps and completing them will make me feel progressing, going somewhere even if i understand it is not an end by itself.
A guide will hopefully also help me be efficient in my work.
The why not would be being scared of commitment needed, but « no pain, no gain »
I hope i will be able to stay in recovery … would like to say get ride completely of my addiction but not sure realistic from what I heard …
Afraid i don’t deliver as feels too much work or don’t like method … but then can just work directly with a sponsor
I tend not be disciplined so will be a challenge but feel for this topic where a slip can kill many months / years of efforts, day to day study will help.
Yes i am … i need to : for me, my spouse, my family
I will have a method and a guideline to follow
Everything so could make me fail … in particular years of acceptance of my behavior …
I am looking forward to it.
I want to have the full experience what it means to do the work and experience recovery intentionally
I hope that my paradigm shift and then I will start to see the world more the way it is unless the way I perceive it
I think it’s weird I have is about being constant struggle to work out daily habits
I truly believe that the things we do every day I does it change your life the most
After two years of often on meetings and often on sobriety I feel more desires that ever to make a meaningful change in recovery
The biggest difference in my effort is that I have a sponsor and that I am committing myself the daily accountability
1.- countless hours watching YouTube
2.- Shame in its many forms and from many different sources
3.- isolation as a coping mechanism
4.- a lot of pride that has kept me from being honest with myself and others
5.-Impulsive behavior
6.- other sins and character defects
Yes. I've done them before and they've changed my life. I need a refresher and would like to really focus on the 12 steps around connecting with God this time around.
I grow closer to God and continue to grow as a person.
I'm afraid I won't be serious about it.
It will. It's worked in the past. I just have to commit.
Yes. I already have a do it everyday. I have to stay sober. I struggle to give my life completely. I'd like to do better. I'm choosing now because I don't want to backslide in my recovery.
I bought this program and I'm ramping back up to my normal recovery schedule or even doing more.
I'm willing to cut back on worldly things. Especially media.