Men’s Intro Questions

Displaying 226 - 250 of 302

Yes, Because this addiction has taken over my life and has hurt many people in the process.

I hope I can forgive myself, and be the person I know I can be.

That this addiction will never leave me.

I have never tried this before and hoping for a good result.


Not sure, I have tried a lot of things.

not sure

Yes and no. It's something I'm wanting to do to help my wife feel safe but I'm also tired of recovery work. I want to heal for myself as well so I will look for any tools and try anything I can.

I hope to have better tools to help me recover and also understand what my addiction does to me on a day to day basis. How does it control my actions? How can I take that control back? I also hope to connect better with my wife and have the strength to work with my children to heal our relationship.

Nothing. I'm afraid it will feel as if nothing has happened. That there will be just another step to take to recover trust with my spouse. and then another and another. That I won't feel closer to control and I'll just feel like it was a waste.

They will work. They will help me understand myself and also reflect on the addiction, the pain it's caused myself and my family.

YES! I've been ready but I've lacked tools, understanding and discipline. I'm looking forward to this step work to give me more accountability.

Well this is the first real step work I've done but I think the journaling and getting my thoughts down on screen will really help me understand the process and feel more accountable to the work I need to do.

Video games that take up too much time. Bottling up feelings and not expressing the things that are running through my mind. other time wasters so I have the time to really work this program.

I'm looking forward to using this online course to work the steps because I get kind of lost and lose focus when I work them on my own.

I hope there is a "thoroughness" to completing the steps instead of me skimming through them like I usually do.

If history repeats itself, I may lose focus and lose interest.

I thinking doing the steps everyday will keep it fresh in my mind and keep me focused on the goal of step 12 (to share with and help others).

I am so ready. I've never been readier. Over the last 3 months, I have been shown a whole new world of resources for recovery, including this program. I attended the IOP at Lifestar and attended boot camp. I have truly been blessed.

I have new eyes. I have a new trajectory. I have new all inclusive resources. I have newly received confidence. I just can't get complacent and let my guard down like a usually do. I have to be reminded that this is a war with the enemy and neither of us want to lose. That's why I think working this program daily is going to so helpful. It will keep me on my toes.

Social media. Mindless web surfing.

No. It feels like drudgery. It's not something that I want to do but feel I need to.

I hope my attitude changes and that I become captivated by doing the work.

I'm not afraid of anything happening in particular.

As I give myself over to the program I believe it will benefit me. I've seen what it has done for others.

Yes. I've been sober for 11 months and it's time to get serious.

This is the first time working the steps.

I leave behind all my triggers, people, and behaviors.

I dont know what to expect and yet I am hopeful. I am looking forward to many things. From self worth discovery to learning how I can heal.

I hope to understand me more. Maybe I will find love in my self and in someone else agian.

I am afraid I will fall and fail. that I will not complete this 12 step. I feel there is so much to do and so much to learn and I am afraid.

I dont know how to answer this question as I dont know what to expect or how it starts. Agian I am hopeful.

I hope to my higher power that I am ready and able. and why now? well because it takes a driving force.... I found my driving force...

EFFORT.. thats the difference. a desire to ACTUALLY change.


Yes, to find so order

I learn to recognize the triggers


By small and simple things, great things can happen

Yes, I have been trying it on my own and I know I need help


All that is a hinder

Yes. Because I know that it will direct my path to re-connect with God, myself, and my wife.

That I will understand my true identity and long-term success as a husband & father.

That I will fail.

I feel that working the Steps on a day-to-day basis keeps me mindful and aware of the moment. Not getting too far off into the future or downtrodden from the past. This will be a lifelong pursuit.

Yes. I am ready. I am ready because I know that the pain and hurt that I feel from disappointing my Heavenly Father, myself, and my wife and kids is overwhelming. I know that the only way to safety and peace is to turn my life over to God.

Turning my life over to God. Realizing that only He has the power and authority to help me and to direct my paths.

Lust. Dishonesty. Feeling bad about myself. Looking forward to seeing sin as "abhorreth" living a "new normal" with my wife...making the best out of a terribly painful situation and hoping to be stronger than ever in my marriage and relationship with Christ.

I am looking forward a little, The reason I feel only a little is due to one more thing I have to do.

I can remember and renew the changes in my life. The changes I want to have permanently.

I will give up and not follow through.

The small little things that I do are the ones that actually help make the change for me. A life long change.!!

Yes!!! I have been turning my life over to the Lord the last year and that has been my biggest source of help and strength.

The difference is that I have never actually followed through with going through all the steps.
I'm going to follow through to the end.

My addiction, my need for acceptance.

I believe I am. I am because I feel like I'm at rock bottom. I've caused myself agony tome and again. I have damaged my wife's heart. I feel so miserable right now.

I hope I can man up and be accountable. I hope I finally achieve some sobriety.

I'm afraid I'll forget my resolve, lose my commitment, fall back into old habits, and lose my family.

I feel it will work because I need it to. I need it. I hope the constant dedication it will take will help me to remember.

I am ready. Finally. I'm at rock bottom, I've been at rock bottom so many times already, but this really is it. I can't allow myself to have to tell my daughters that my addiction caused our family to split up.

This time I will be consistent. At all costs. I will not allow a single day to pass without meeting all of my goals. This time I will remember the pain of relapse. This time I will be fully in, holding nothing back. Not even the things which will cost me everything.

I will leave behind social media. I will leave behind my tv shows. I will leave behind my safety nets. I will leave behind my growing apathy.

Yes . I am working the steps for healing and I am looking forward to win the battle of sex addiction and live a freer life

That I will experience healing from shame and guilts . Have hopes for a more honest marriage .

That I will get complacent and not work as hard as I should

It has to work for me . It needs to be the most important thing that I focus on

Yes. Because everything I’ve tried to date has led me to total surrender to God . I’m out of gas

Work the steps . This is new for me and I have never tried anything like this before

My pride, selfishness , self absorbed,angry, intolerable person to my wife

I am looking forward to working the steps because I believe I can learn to implement thexsteps in my daily living and maintain a truthful and honest

That I can really see the results of the value of the steps in my life. Also having a sponsor that I have obtained is very important to me.

That will not stick with completing the steps,

I think it will work for me as this something I have never done before on a daily basis

Yes ,
I cannot over come this addiction without my higher power . I have tried to white knuckle to stop and I am truly powerless over this addiction

My marriage is at risk . If I relapse again , my wife wants to file a separation after 44 years of marriage. So I am certainly motivated to change and dig in

My pride and selfish ways. My old ways of thinking . Half in /Half out .

Currently I am not. I have looked forward to working the steps in the past. I can honestly say that I have had my most success from not acting out with pornography while working the steps. I feel that I have tried and failed. Will I continue to fail? I listened to a podcast where the guy says that I wasn't addicted. Yet here I am. Relapsing for no reason. I do like when I work the steps and I feel better inside. Part of me feels that I should work a 12 step simultaneously with another program because I loved the way that the 12 step helped me feel.

I hope to become a better person. Closer to God. Find recovery and sobriety and stay sober forever

That I relapse. That I will get overwhelmed by all the things that I need to do to stay in recovery. Doubt about if I even need to claim myself as a sexaholic. If I can go for 3 weeks at a time without a relapse. Am I even addicted?

I feel that I need some interaction daily. Some involvement in the steps. A purpose. etc.

I want to say yes here. I am ready now. I surrender my life and will over to God as I understand Him, and how I will come to understand him. I feel that I have come so close in the past and my own desire and my trust in God was harmed several relapses ago. This choice is mine. I am going to make it and do my very best

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I also feel like I am done. This isn't coming from a place of desperation, but being done. I also recognize now how much a trigger and signal compulsivity is to escape and relapse. I am going to keep that in my mind

I am willing to leave behind games on my phone. I am willing to leave behind my right to view pornography and lust.

Yes, I am excited because I have been feeling the need for a method of working the steps. I have been floating through the past few months just letting the steps work me instead of working them.
I am mostly excited because I feel the desire for a change in my life and I feel more hopeful in my God that He will help me change my life for the best possibly outcome.

I hope that as I work the steps I will be willing to let go of my own methods and let go of the desire to indulge in anything sexually toxic or addictive. I want to trust God and let Him heal me.

I am afraid that I may lose the drive and fall back into old routines. I am afraid that it won’t work. That I won’t work. That God may not heal me.

I feel and hope that it will work because deep down I truly want to be at one with my Heavenly Father. I feel that my addiction and other aspects of it are what are truly leading me away from Him. If I work the steps daily I will be constantly reminded of this and I will want to work them to come unto Him.

Yes, I am really ready. I don’t think I could’ve said that a few weeks ago or months. I feel in my heart that it is time to let my addiction go and cleave unto my God.
Now is the time because one, I have started to feel myself slipping into more and more unmanageabilities and consequences and I don’t wish to progress down that path. I also find that I am truly desiring a connection with God and I have found that He wants to connect with me. I am willing to listen.

The difference is that I am starting to believe in God. That He has the power to heal me. My efforts are not in vain. I have finally seen this start to be true in my life. I have changed my idea of reaching goals. I don’t work to achieve anymore. I work to become. I want to become something different and this brings me hope and joy.

Movies with the crew at the station. Idleness at home. Time. Money.

I am choosing to invest more than I have ever invested into my recovery. By becoming something new through Christ I am really investing in Me, my home life, my family, my future, my happiness. I am choosing to lose myself so that I can find myself.

Yes I have already started

That I will surrender to god, that I will be changed, that resentment, anger, lust will succumb to the beauty in life. That I will be reconciled with God

I am afraid the changes that I have already seen, the miracles that have come into my life, will fade, that the old person will come back, even if my desires are pure

Well want to better yourself and work hard and be humble can only bring you forward, not back. It is impossible to change for the better even if it is a slow process.

Yes completely, I about lost everything. Through resentment and shame my addiction hid from me. I couldn't see that it was there all along. When I was kicked out I was blind now I see. I thought life was like that slowly trudging along, day by day. I thought the feelings of anger and frustration were normal due to stress and family life, when in reality I made myself that way. I lost out no many wonderful . I was unhealthy, I had no clue what was going on, I didn't know the damage and hurt I was causing I was so disconnected from myself and my family and most importantly my God. I have had an awakening and I refuse to let that go away. I want to be healthy and connected.

I think before because I haven't acted out in years that i was sober. This time I will continue 12 steps forever, I will attend meetings, sacrifice, give of myself to my family. I realize what was wrong with me, now I can cope and deal with it in a healthy manner.

I will leave behind it all of needs be. I will leave my business, lawsuits, relationships. I will leave it all to new a new person. Nothing is more important or needed in my life. My relationship with God and my wife and family, is the most important things. Nothing else matters.

Yes. I think working the Steps will help me recover more fully and keep me in a constant state of progress. I also think it will help me become more responsible, a better husband and father, a better researcher, a better family member, and achieve goals in my life.

I hope I completely recover from my addiction and become repulsed by temptations. I hope that I can be helpful to other people who are recovering from addiction.

I am afraid that I get distracted or that I relapse even though I am working the steps. I hope that having a support person will help me stay committed and not lose traction.

I feel it will work for me because it will help me maintain a constant focus on recovery and becoming a better person. I've also never been able to maintain habits of working on the steps daily for an extended period of time. I always get distracted or feel I'm doing well and then don't continue.

Yes, I am. I know I can't recover on my own. I need help to become the person who I hope to be. I relapsed several times in the past few weeks and while I did make some changes to try and prevent it from happening again, I didn't have the courage to tell my wife about what was happening other than one time telling her I was tempted. Today when I relapsed, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to continue recovering without confessing to my wife and getting more support. I saw that I could have a support person through ARP Support, and I know that will help me a lot. I've turned my will over to God before, and it was cleansing and freeing. I want to feel that way again, and I know that my eventual recovery depends on it.

I will have a support person and I will commit daily to continue recovering. I will report daily and create and maintain daily habits. These are things that I did during my mission, and in preparation for my mission, and I think that played a big role in my sobriety before, during, and after my mission.

Freely browsing the internet. Watching, listening to, or reading triggering media. Going to bed after my wife. Sleeping in after 9:30. Intentionally seeking after lust.

Yes. Learn and understand me!

Learn how to Express my feelings

I might relapse

They have helped many before me

Yes! I want to love myself again and love my wife again

A step by step program

My cruising, my internet surfing, my hating myself

I am looking forward to it because I want to be free from addicition.

I hope that I can be free from the chans. Be a better person that is more responsive to the spirit. Be more of who I am and restore my personality

I guess that I will falter and not complete it.

I think it will be helpful because it is one more thing that I can do.

Good question. I am, but I feel the fear in my heart of what that means and how I have to confront myself to do that or... maybe be confident in that.

Will work it daily and do what i'm supposed to do.

Lust, Pride, addiction, selfishness, bad characteristics

I love what I get from it, but I’m not looking forward to the time going into it. It just takes a lot of time. And accountability.

I do want to really understand them better because I want to be a sponsor. I want to internalize the principles more.

I do have a lingering fear of becoming so converted to the steps that I become more open with my addiction, including with my family. Being an open addict scares me.

I think it will work for me. I like that these are 5-10 min tasks. That’s about what I have time for. I believe in daily.

I think I am. I’ve been doing it these last couple of weeks and I like my life way more than the months before when I was taking lust hits whenever I could. Today will be interesting though. We’re going to the fair where I’ve been triggered in the past. Surely I will today. I’m excited to go to be with family and have good memories with my kids. I want to be focused there.

I think more connection with other men is a big one. More honesty with Katy. But I don’t think I know exactly what to do to keep my heart here.

Lust hits. I feel ready to give these away. I just like my life so much more when I leave them behind.

I am looking forward to working the steps. I've been around recovery for 4 or 5 years now and never really worked the steps in a complete way. I've also not been able to maintain continued sobriety for more than a few months.

I hope I gain an understanding and a change of heart that will help free me from a lifelong addiction to lust.

I'm afraid that I will uncover ugly truths that I've not yet dealt with and I'm also afraid that it wont work, again...

I feel like the only times I've been consistently, and truly sober, It was from daily work, meditation, prayer and meetings.

I really think so. If not now, when? I'm so tired of running from this. I want to face it head on and overcome this with the Lords help. Submitting my will and life to him is the only way that this is possible.

Consistency and sharing this journey with those that I love.

I'm willing to leave behind the right to lust, and the right to sex. I don't "deserve" these things. I leave behind my self will in these areas and will let God and Christ show me the pattern.

I am looking forward to taking these steps. I am looking forward to having a healthier and more meaningful relationship with myself, my loved ones, and especially with God, my Savior, and the Holy Ghost. Im looking forward to living a consistently clean lifestyle and being able to have that confidence in my relationship with God.

I hope that I will be able to "clean out the closet" so-to-speak. I hope that I will have nothing holding me down and that I will be able to begin to radiate joy, confidence, hope and faith.

Im afraid that things might get worse, that. things will get worse before they get better despite myself already going through the beginning stages of therapy with dr. Jed.

I feel like it will work for me because its going to keep me consistently going back to my commitment to myself and others, that it will keep these things fresh in my mind and that it will give me a healthy outlet to be able to improve.

I am ready and willing. I can't ever hurt Kenzie the way that I have ever again, and I can't continue living this way with this problem hanging over my head. I have had so many new beginnings lately, with my new job and the financial freedom and possibilities it brings, Beginning therapy, Beginning to be more productive and driven, I want to truly begin this too. I want to excel, and I can't do that when I am being anchored down by my addiction and when I don't have the relationship with God that is good and strong.

Everything. I have Kenzie to support me, I hav e my therapist to support me, I have the 2 twelve step groups to support me, and I have the drive to achieve things that worn on my radar before.

Im willing to leave behind whatever I have to. whatever comfort I have, whatever privilege I have, im willing to leave it behind.

Yes! Because I am look forward to continuing my recovery, one day at a time for God, myself, my family, and others I can help along the way.

That I will be able to remain sober and stay in recovery. I also hope to gain further insight and understanding into how my addiction how impacted me and those around me so I can make restitution and heal.

Nothing. Change can be scary at times, but I've learned what's harder and scarier in the long term is not changing. I've come to the point where nothing will stop me from working the Steps in my life for the rest of my life.

It will work for me because I need the daily reminder of where I was, where I don't want to be, where I want to be, and how I need to continue to stay vigilant if I am to remain successful.

Absolutely. Losing my salvation is not worth this addiction. Losing my wife and daughter is not worth this addiction. Being at peace with myself is not worth this addiction. There's a myriad of other reasons, but overall, my addiction caused enough pain and suffering that I'm done. No more.

I want it and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I have access to new light and knowledge. I'm acquiring new light and knowledge intentionally on a consistent basis. I have a sponsor to help and guide me. I'm willing to surrender and let Him do what I cannot.

Anything that's required. Nothing in my old ways compares to the sweet joy and fulfillment I find in being right with the Lord, right with my wife and daughter, connected and present in reality and with those around me, and beginning to like myself again. I have more joy in life, my relationships, I am regaining my passions, interests, spirituality, and physical and emotional health.

Yes. My therapist recommends the 12 steps. I desperately need both help and hope to overcome my addictions.

I hope to engage my mind in the work. Hopefully in time my mind will refocus and think clearly. I want to enjoy the things I was did .

There is always the possibility of relapse. Hopefully all this won't overwhelm me.

A daily routine and discipline is badly needed in my life.

Yes, I am. Because this addiction has slowly gotten worse until it interferes with my daily life. It must stop!

Hopefully this course. And my therapist. Looking now for someone to be my accountability partner.

Porn and anything remotely connected to it. Hopefully my lustful eye. And leave behind the frustration and shame.

Yes I am. Too much progress with work so far to look back.

More knowledge and strength to maintain my recovery.

I'll become over confident in my recovery and relapse.

Persistence is key.

Yes.... as I've demonstrated over the past year of effort and progress. I finally gave up trying to do it on my own (which I couldn't).

Recognizing the problem as the addiction - not spiritual malady only - that it is. Seeking help from above and around me. Staying centered and humble.

Wasted time. Isolating. Not communicating with my wife and listening to her also.

To get better and to give in my will power for God's will.

A understanding that I am not alone and God is aways with me.



Yes, I can't do this myself and my life is unmanageable.


Shame, guilt, LUST

Yes, I have already been through them once and it was an amazing experience. It has almost been a year since I finished the steps and I feel like I am falling back into old habits and I really want to avoid that.

I hope that I can have an increased commitment to turning my life and will over to God. I feel distanced from Him again and I know I haven't been putting in the effort that I need to be putting in. The Steps will help me improve all aspects of my life.

Not really afraid of anything. I suppose I am a little skeptical if I will actually go through all of the steps again. Where is my commitment.

I have done daily step work through all of the steps before and without a doubt they helped me in ways I never imagined.

Absolutely. He has lead my life of recovery before and did a way better job than I can do by myself. There is so much freedom and comfort knowing that He is at the healm.

I know it will take a day commitment to truly change my thinking and behavior. I need to kick my butt back into gear.

I am willing to leave behind everything that I think I know about myself, recovery, and my God. I have such a limited knowledge of things and I am often wrong about what I think I know to be true. I need God in all aspects of my life.