Men’s Intro Questions

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Yes, I'm excited to find lasting change and freedom from the overpowering drives that control me.

I learn how to live daily and can be the man I've always wanted but felt was beyond me.

I'm afraid nothing will change

It will work because daily work focuses me and guides me to choose better.

Yes i am. I have everything to lose if I don't.

It's not just me and will power.

Unhealthy lust cravings.

yes itll show where i need to grow

ill see where i can improve

i wont like it

business of life

yes tried on my own doesn't work


shame and sneakiness

I am looking forward to working the Steps. I have been sober for about 2.5 months and the longer it has gone without starting the steps I have been worried that I would start to get complacent. Working the steps will help me progress. They will push me and I am scared what I will discover about myself in the process, but I must face this fear as that could be the cause of my addiction in the first place.

More self realization, tools and a mindset change that will help me continually conquer my addiction one day at a time

I am afraid that I will discover my true feelings and maybe past trauma. What I have been hiding from this whole time.

The true answer is that I don’t know how I will fit in the day to day work. Life is really busy. This will take the place of my daily recovery material reading, which I have been successful at doing everyday for a few weeks now. I am eager to start, but I will have to make time for this program each day.

I have experienced a change of heart already, or at least an initial change of heart to get me to the beginnings of the path to recovery. I have also experienced some difficulty in surrendering my emotions to God these past couple of days in dealing with my emotions and desire to lust. I haven’t lusted, but then the emotions took over and I discovered that I was quick to anger. I’m ready, even though I know this road will be difficult. I am willing!

I have only previously tried to quit via will power, without the knowledge that I was addicted. I knew I could stop, but the issue was that I couldn’t stay away for too long. The big difference this time around is that I have a program, I have the support of my wife (my addiction is no longer a secret), I now have a sponsor, and I have daily tasks that I do for my recovery each day. I finally have some sort of map towards recovery.

I know there will be struggles leaving things behind, but I am willing to leave pretty much everything behind besides my family. They are one of my reasons for getting sober. I have robbed them of myself for too long. Time to put in the work.

looking to be free ,shame

no hope I will be a different person

I fail


yes I am Im not getting any younger and its about time I grow up



I am looking forward to the steps becuase I want to be a deciple of Christ and do his will. Apart of his will is for me to have a family that is strong in his gosple and that loves one another. The only way to accomplish this is by coninually for the rest of my life staying sober.

I hope to grow my relationaship with christ and learn how to get over this addiction for good

I am afraid of failing and I know the pain that I will experience through this process and the layers of weaknesses that ill now be able to clearer then before.

I think it will work for me becuase I know that thefarther away I am form this addition the closer I am to christ and what he has to offer me.

Yes, Because I have felt of the love of Christ and I know that that's what I want in life. And this is what I want to teach my kids. I started this process of recovery a log time ago but I'm happy to be able to have a daily reminder of what I don't want in my life. Temptations will never go away which is why it is so important to have this daily reminder of what I need to do.

This time I will go t meetings and will make a daily effort to get myself farther and farther away form this

I'm willing to give away everything worldly in my life

Yes, I am motivated to change. I have a willingness to learn and apply a new way. Not for anyone other than myself and God so that I can live free of lust and in sobriety and recovery. My lifelong struggles can be overcome - I'm encouraged that others have walked this path and speak of great healing, recovery and success.

I hope for insights into why and how to overcome lust and change my ways of thinking, acting and behaviors. I know that the acting out with pornography and masturbation is a symptom of deeper issues and defects of my character and caused by my underlying trauma. I hope the steps help uncover these, bring them to light so that I can work with God on healing these as well. As I work the steps it would be amazing if I can rebuild and restore relationships which have been so damaged by my actions and behaviors over the years.

I am also honestly a little fearful that I will once again start and stop my recovery. I fear not finding a sponsor and getting distracted and too busy for it. This has been a problem and a part of my journey in the past. I fear not being able to be "good enough" or have something to offer the group and others in my healing. This is a long standing fear for me and it will be one that I could carry even into working the steps. Not being honest enough and still trying to hide things would be another thing I am afraid of doing.

I know regular working will be the best approach. Day by day. What will be a problem is making the commitment of time it will take and staying consistent as I work it into my schedule.

Yes! I have hit rock bottom. I have come to realize I am a person who has emotionally abused those around me and my way of operating has been so self-centered. I have an unmanageable life right now - living separated, paying for an apartment and a house by myself because my wife has so much trauma due to my lust and character defects.

Working the steps and staying in community with the program. Making calls and participation is the only way to change from temporary sobriety to long term recovery. This has to be the path this time.

I am willing to leave behind the old me - fearful, image managing, hiding, lying and lusting to numb my feelings of shame about who I really am. My life of duplicity needs to be left behind and I need to be in union and surrender to God. In the past I really really tried hard - I need to now leave the behind and move into training or working the steps and surrender to God. Leave my control and power behind!

I am, I’m looking to free myself from the chains of addiction and I’m willing to do anything.

I hope I change in all facets of my life, not just recovery.

I’m afraid I’ll burn out and just try to shrug it off.

I feel like it’ll inspire me and get me in a habit. Consistency is key.

My marriage and family is in the balance. I’d rather die than for my family to be destroyed by my addiction.

Consistency. Actually being truthful in my efforts and keep it 100.

Viewing and masturbating to pornography. I’m willing to change or add any and all behaviors to achieve this.

I am looking forward to working the Steps for the most part. I've attended 12-step meetings but have never been able to fully go through the steps. I want to see how actually doing these steps helps in my recovery. Some of the steps will be difficult, like step 4, so I'm not necessarily looking forward to those. That is part of why I signed up for this curriculum: so that it can help me work through all the steps.

I hope that I will uncover causes of my sex addiction and learn ways to fix or cope with those causes. I also want to find strategies and hope for living in recovery.

I'm afraid it may take a long time. I'm afraid of some of the big steps, like the moral inventory in step 4 and maybe also the confession step.

I'm afraid I may have to change some deep parts of my personality in order to fully complete the steps or remain in recovery--such as reaching out to people more or committing significant time to 12-step programs just to remain in recovery. I think my current self is afraid of those things, but I think that if I really work the steps, then I will come around to realizing the value in or even liking those things. So, I'm not actually too afraid of this as an outcome--it may just be uncomfortable during the process, which I'm not actually too afraid of.

I think working these steps on a day-to-day basis will help me actually do them. Having them broken into small chunks makes them more achievable.

Yes, I think so. I'm still given pause by the "turn my will over completely" phrase. Does that mean all things? That sounds difficult.
I do feel ready to turn my will over to the Lord in terms of sex and my sex addiction. I'm realizing that giving into my addictions seems to only make them worse over time, and that it hurts my relationships with others and with God. I'm realizing that sex is optional and doesn't have to occupy some exalted end-all-be-all position in my psyche. I still would like sex in a relationship, but I'm realizing that there's more to look for and that porn and masturbation keep me hyperfocused on sex. I've also realized that I don't have to watch pornographic media or be controlled by media that I watch. For example, if there's some anime that I feel compelled to watch for whatever reason but it has triggering sexual content, I have become mature enough to realize that I can skip watching it. Even if I start watching it and really like it, I'm realizing that I don't need to keep watching it just because I got invested in it. (I may not be perfect at applying this 100% in practice, but I'm way better than I used to be.)
Another reason I feel ready is that the SAL definition of sobriety is just the minimum standard that I should be maintaining as an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Accepting those boundaries as a method of staying in recovery helps reduce my previous questions about them (e.g., why is masturbation without porn bad? Is watching porn with your spouse okay? etc.). I am curious and willing to learn about--and hopefully eventually practice--sex and romance without lust.

This time, I have this program. I've also realized the importance of connection with others, so I feel more invested in actually reaching out to others in recovery like a sponsor, or even just connecting with regular people in general so that I don't get as lonely. Some of my close family also knows, and they are great supports, too.

Porn sites, masturbation, sexually suggestive YouTube videos. I may also need to include VTubers/female influencers (or at least any sexually suggestive ones or using them to fill the void of not having a girlfriend), watching stuff on my iPad in bed, and using my phone while on the toilet.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Submitted previously, placeholder for now. Did not save.

Yes, because it is time to confront my lust addiction and fill my heart with the pure love of Christ.

Identify triggers
Set healthy boundaries
Learn more about myself and my addiction
Develop a camaraderie with those also going through the program

That I will fail

A regularly scheduled routine works best for the way I learn

Yes, because I have not been willing to up until now

I will be working on sobriety at the same time as my son, who is also enrolled and wants to be free of this addiction.

Viewing of pornography, masterbation and lusting

Yes, I am looking forward to working my steps I have tried to stop my porn habits on my own and I just cannot do it so I am looking forward to having the tools for me to stop. I know it’s hard but it’s harder to see the pain that I put my wife through

As I work the steps, I’m hoping to see why I was not able to stop on my own

I am afraid that like many things I don’t follow through, but this one is a must for me

I think by working the steps every day it’ll keep me focused on my main goal To stop the need to always watch porn

I have hurt my wife with all the lies and wasted time that I have spent watching porn and now I can see and hear the pain in her and it’s just not worth the thrill of being by myself

This time I finally admitted that I have a problem and that wasn’t just a small issue and a personal issue. It has really affected the person that means the most to me my wife

Excuses, I’m willing to give up all my excuses

I am looking forward to working the 12 Step program I know its going to be a life long pursuit

I want to feel l better in my own skin and not look to sex and an escape for my problems and frustrations.

That I might not complete the program or lose focus due to my ADHD

I know that i need to be persistent in working the steps and not give up

I am so sick of not being able to focus due to my addiction and for the lack of natural healthy connection with people...

I have a good support group of men to support me and my wife talk to also

I want to let go of old rituals and bad habits so I can focus on a healthier mindset

To have God as my strength and always have His spirit to be with me

Deepening relationships with God, future wife and kids, and others

People discovering I’m a sex-addict

It will help me keep a focus on my weakness and need for God.

If I always have hope: trust in God, and belief/faith in myself and others then I will be successful.
Why now? I want to become worthy of my lovely companion

Rigorous honesty.


In a sense yes, I'm looking forward to it. I am however worried that the outcome I'm hoping for doesn't manifest the way I’m hoping for. As most I'm sure that join this program want. My actions have taken a toll on my family and dramatically hurt my lovely wife. I can't live without her and need to do this to hopefully win. her trust and love back.

I can gain clarity of my illness and get me on a path of recovery and stability.

I fall into my old ways and completely destroy my marriage and life.

Hopefully clarity and focus to shut out the voice in my head telling me to do the wrong thing.

Honestly I don't know. I don't necessarily believe in god but want to believe there is something out there above us all. We shall see.

I actually have the resources I didn't look for along with the knowledge that I have an addiction.

My past behaviors and actions that got me to this point.

I don't think I'm looking forward to doing the work. I think I am motivated to doing something consistently.

My hope is that I will become more God centered and learn more about myself and how I can better share my experience, strength and hope with others.

Probably my biggest fear is that I'm going to either try and rush through it just to get it done and check another box or I'm going to say that I've already done all this so I don't need to do it again.

I feel like it will because it will continue to bring my addiction and character defects into the light so that I can work on them.

Let go of my addiction absolutely. Turning my will over to God is still a work in progress. I have gotten to the point with my addiction that I don't feel like I need to ever return to that or act out again. I'm selfish and lazy though and I know oftentimes my way is a lot easier in the short term than God's so I return to my own will over and over.

Maybe more of an emphasis on doing a thorough job and connection with God vs just rushing through the steps to get them done.

All of my character defects, my selfishness, my expectations of my wife

I wouldn’t say that I am looking forward to it the way that I might look forward to a vacation. I still have mixed feelings about the SA model, having tried it in the past and having experienced mixed results. I know that I need additional resources to change, because what I have been doing hasn’t gotten me the results I want. I hope that this daily recovery work can help me in my recovery, but I know it will demand consistent effort from me, which is something that I struggle with.

I hope that as I work the steps, I increase my ability to accept reality at all costs, and not feel the need to numb out to avoid discomfort. I want to experience extended sobriety, and to resolve the issues underlying my addiction. I hope that I am able to rebuild trust and intimacy with my wife and become the best version of myself for my wife and kids and all those who I have the opportunity to impact and serve.

I am afraid that I wont be able to work the steps consistently and that I wont be able to stay sober for longer than a month or two and that when I do relapse I will just give up on everything.

I think if I can work them daily, will see results. I just worry about my own lack of consistency, which has been a character defect my entire life.

I sure want to. I don’t want it in my life anymore. I dont want Satan’s counterfeit for intimacy and connection, I want the real deal. I want to live in reality and experience what I was sent here to experience, and learn, grow, and become who God intends for me to be. I dont want to waste any more time, or cause any more pain and suffering to myself or to others.

This time, I will be more diligent in making daily contacts, and I will really strive to wake up at a consistent time that gives me time for my daily spiritual practice and allows me to attend in person meetings weekly.

I am willing to leave behind porn, masturbation, social media, promiscuous apps, fantasizing, and all the unhelpful beliefs that I hold about sex. I am willing to abandon any false views of myself in order to see myself for who I really am. I am willing to sacrifice staying up late so that I can wake up early and work my recovery.

Yes. I want to be free from addiction

I come to better understand myself, grow close to God and others as I separate from lust

Not much now. I find something wrong with me that about me that

Help me keep my focus on overcoming lust and keeping my guard up

Yes. I want to be free from this addiction but I do have times when I don’t care so much and want pornography and masturbation

I feel I need to do better with being accountable to others and surrendering any amount of lust

I feel I need to leave behind security of putting up walls and be willing to be more vulnerable

Yes. I want to be whole and connected. I want to get rid of this dark passenger that I don’t like anymore. I’ve had enough.

Prolonged sobriety, spiritual awakening, connection

This is just another attempt and doesn’t manifest into real results

Provide me the guidance I need daily to keep my addiction under control. Make me think about my feelings and emotions so I can practice expressing them.

YES. I’m just sick and tired of relying on my addiction to feel something. I want to be whole and experience life to its fullest. For me and my family.

Actually working the steps daily. Have a therapist and getting a sponsor. Having actual connection instead of wondering about it.

My addiction and my desire to use it to escape. I want to open to my wife and my support group. I want to feel the real connection I don’t get as a child.

I am looking forward to working the steps because I hope that they will help me set a lasting change in my life. However, I am still afraid of parts of them. I'm particularly afraid of the step where I have to make amends to everyone who I have hurt - I think that I have only hurt my wife but I'm worried that I'll find that there are other people who I have hurt and that I will need to address this with them. That's scare because I am so ashamed of what I have done and I don't want anyone to know about it. If I had to talk to my parents, or my wife's parents, I would be mortified and I'm not sure if I can do that, but I'll have to if I want to complete the steps.

I really hope that I can gain more faith in God, especially since I feel that my faith has been weak for a while now. I also hope that I can address the core problems of my addiction and will be able to have a long-term lasting change that will allow me to not live in perpetual fear of myself and my impulses. I really hope that over the course of working these steps that I will also be able to come to grips with myself as a person - I'm struggling with deep self loathing and feel that I am so disappointed in myself and that I've ruined the only good things in my life. I feel that I hate what my life has become and I hope to one day come to peace with who I am and what I have done.

I'm afraid that I'll either be not fully committed, or will not be as truthful as I should be. I'd hate to put in this work and then to just stop doing stepwork because I'm lazy or feel that I have everything under control. I'm also afraid that going through the step work will lead to more trauma for myself and others.

I feel that it will be beneficial because it will be a daily reminder of what I am trying to work for, as well as represent actual effort to continually stay away from pornography and it's consequences. I feel that I have a personality where I binge different fads or hobbies and I feel that actually committing to this and driving it to completion and sustainability will help me grow as a person as well.

I think so. I've had to face the consequences that this has on my spouse, who I love more than anything, and that alone has given me the reasons to stop and avoid hurting her again. I also feel that more and more I'm doing this because of me too. I really feel like this is something that has weighed me down for so long and I just want to feel like I can walk around with the weight of my deception and actions weighing me down. I feel that I'm supported by my wife, that I'm doing more actions than I have ever done, and that I have the motivation to carry this through.

I'm building and surrounding myself with a support network. I'm going to therapy regularly, I'm going to group meetings, I'm doing this step work, I'm talking to my wife about this and my experience, and I feel like I'm actually involving other people for once. Every other time has been me trying to just quit this with no outside support but I feel like I'm actually arming myself with tools that will help me to overcome this in a more substantial way than before.

I'm willing to leave behind my desires, my old way of thinking, my pride, my anger, my hopelessness, old habits, and anything that ties me to this terrible part of myself that I never want to give in to again.

I am. I feel like without corrective measures, I am likely to head down a path that scares me. A path were I am out of control and hurting myself and those around me as I pursue my addiction.

I hope God will intervene. Much like reading scriptures and attending church, I hope working these steps will make my life better. It's hard to point out how specifically, but I know that by doing these things, I find myself more content and able to ignore temptation.

I am afraid that without help I will become a cheater, or I could get somebody pregnant, or contract a disease, or find myself in legal trouble. My addiction could have a ruins impact on my life if not brought under control.

I am putting my faith in these steps much like I do with scripture reading. I just know it works. I can't explain how. It just does. I believe daily step work will have a positive impact on my attitude the same way other spiritual work does.

It's hard to answer that. Part of me wants to say yes because I know that's the expected answer or the one I should give. But honestly, I'm an addict, and I don't want to give up my addiction. I enjoy parts of it and am scared to let go. But I also know I need help becuase my behavior is taking me down a path I don't like.

I've never done structured step work, so just giving this a shot is a new effort on my part.

Again, because I am an addict, I don't want to leave anything behind. I am most willing or eager to leave behind porn. I'd love to remove that from my life. I am less willing to leave behind relationship. I know I may NEED to, but I don't WANT to.

Yes, I know through multiple 12 meetings that the program works, if you are working the steps. I have to work the steps in order to progress and get an upper hand on the addiction, addiction cycle, and the ritualization of the addiction.

I want to see a progressive change in behavior, added strength, and increased proficiency with the tools of recovery. I would like to see action/effort followed by seeing the fruits of my efforts.

If I don't see change or increased coping skills.....does this wane or discourage my progress. If a slip occurs, does this discourage my progress or efforts in working the steps.

I have to be humble and live in humility each day. This disease is not an easy one to control, and I need to make steps everyday to keep it at bay and to have another 24 hrs. of sobriety.

Oh yes please, easy to say, harder to do. I have had moments of surrender, followed by moments of I'm going to take control back. I know when I have surrendered, it's been good while it lasted in surrender mode.

This is the 1st time working the steps, so there is not much to compare it to. All I know is I have lost so much, that I must dive head 1st into the steps in order to advocate success in my life.

Ritualization or scanning.....I have to be able to put the drug of Lust Down and Leave it Alone. I must leave pride by the wayside too. I need help from my God, I cannot do this by myself. I have tried and failed too many times to count.

Yes and no. I am looking forward to the benefits I expect will come from working the program and finding relief from my addictive ways that still plague me. But I have some inhibitions about going through the steps again when I've already done them many times including a recent time within the last year.

I hope I will come to know myself better, find freedom from my obsession, feel safe from the compulsion, and deepen my connection with God. I want to be spiritually fit and at peace rather than being tense, irritable, etc.

I'm slightly afraid that it won't work and that I'll still struggle in my addiction. But I have felt moved toward this decision and my sponsor encouraged me so I am going forward with it.

I'm thinking of it as working out with physical exercise—I've got to put in long-term, consistent effort to see gains. I think so far I've been putting in lots of partial but seemingly aggressive work and patting myself on the back and then becoming angry or having self-pity when I still struggle with addictive compulsions.

Yes. I'm ready. I want to really be free and I think that I'm willing to give up everything to have that freedom. Maybe if I do have reservations I've been holding back those will be manifest to me in working these steps.

More diligent, more directed, and acting in submission and not self-willed design; i.e., I'm not the one making this program or prompts or work, I'm just submitting to it.

I'm willing to leave behind media, video games, social media, music, technology, entertainment, my own intellectual qualms or issues—I'm willing to park these and set them aside. I'm willing to accept that through this program, though it be imperfect, God's intervention may reach me.

I am looking forward to the change that will come from working the steps. I need to have this change because of how chaotic my life has gotten and how my behaviors have only made things worse. I am concerned about the time it might take each day to work the steps, but I will remind myself that I have more time now that I’m not acting out.

I want to have a greater sense of peace in my life. I know that there will still be problems but I want to be closer to God and not feel terrible shame.

I’m most afraid of relapsing or not making changes that will help me in recovery. I’m also afraid, honestly, of the lifelong effort this is going to take.

On the one hand, breaking it up into a daily task will make it more manageable and will hopefully help me develop habits. On the other, I can sometimes procrastinate and this will perhaps lead to a sense of despair.

I am ready. I’m so tired of trying to change on my own. So tired of failure. So tired to secretly loathing myself. I want to live the rest of my life in recovery so that I can have greater happiness in the years left to me.

I am going to work with a sponsor. I am going to keep contact with my ecclesiastical leader.

Everything. I would accept my family’s disdain and lose anything in life just to be able to turn the page and move forward. I’m hoping I don’t need to do that, of course. I’m hoping that changing can open my heart to connecting with my family.

I'm looking forward to working the steps because I'm ready to kick this addiction for real. I've come to the hard truth that I'm powerless to overcome this on my own and need help. I feel like being a part of a group and working the 12 steps alongside others in my position will be a powerful source of structure, strength and progress to add to my "recovery capital". I'm ready to make real change which I believe following the steps will help with. I'm ready to put forth the effort and do the work.

I hope that I can be successful in my recovery and learn tools to use and tap into powers beyond my own for strength, both from God and from the support of those in my group, my family and friends. I want to fully repent of what I've done and seek restitution to those I've hurt, especially my wife. I hope to improve/remove my character defects that prevent me from being the man I want to be, a man who deserves my wife and her trust, and the man God wants me to be.

I suppose the worse thing that could happen is relapse, but that's not an option. I'm NOT afraid that things will get too hard because of the support I have around me.

I feel like it will work for me to work on the steps daily because I need the strength on a daily basis that comes from it. It will help me start my days right and keep my recovery and the importance of it on the forefront of my mind. This addiction has had such a strong hold on me for so long that recovery needs to become my new life.

I'm completely ready because I've felt trapped and miserable for so long thinking I could eventually overcome it on my own, but I know I need God's help and the support of others. I've been stuck in a failing cycle that has taken too long for me to realize I can't fully change without help. I want this addiction out of my life for good for the sake of my wife and marriage, and for my personal worthiness and growth in this life.

Now that I've exposed my addiction, I'm ready to put in the work and take advantage of all the help and support I can, whether it's from therapy, the SAL group and the online 12 step course. I'm also adding more things to my recovery capital that will help other areas of my life like reading more books in general, learning something new every week (i.e. how to draw in perspective, music theory, etc.), working out, eating healthier and doing more activities with my wife. I'm planning on being consistent in working on these steps. I now have a sponsor who I'll be checking in with as well, so there'll be actual accountability, something that was lacking before realizing I was powerless.

I'm willing to leave everything behind, everything that contributed to my addictive behaviors. I want to become a new man. I want to leave behind my dishonesty, self loathing, selfishness, lust, pride, etc. I'm willing to remove whatever I need to in my life in order to kick this once and for all. I just want to be a better man for myself, my wife and God.