I am looking forward to recovery and long term sobriety that comes from working the steps.
I am looking forward to recovery and long term sobriety that comes from working the steps.
I relapse again and again and the program works for others but not me.
That something is wrong with me or wrong in my. situation.
yes, Why now because I want have a good relationship with my wife and children. I. want a better relationship with my higher power.
I am going to put in whatever it required to reach longterm sobriety.
My resentment and desire to escape and numb out by acting out.
Yes, I need to change my behaviors if I expect not to act out.
I hope to have a change of heart to where I don't want to act out.
That I will act out.
I need to put recovery first. I think this means working the steps daily.
I'm afraid of turning my will over to God.
If things don't change then I will keep on acting out. I am desperate.
Yes, because I know doing daily work can bring a big change in my life. Also no, because I feel so busy and worry that I will have enough time to do everything that I need to do.
In the past, I've felt lighter, happier, and clearer.
I guess that my biggest fear is that I will get to busy or distracted and stop doing the steps. Or I will start feeling shame about failure and close myself off.
I think it will work because I need the daily help, but I worry it won't work because I'll get too caught up in other work.
Yes, I want to, but I know that this entails a lot more than I have courage to do right now. I am ashamed of all the times I have failed in the past and am going to have a hard time being honest and open with others.
I hope the new format and new type of program will help me see things differently and keep working.
I am willing to leave behind my sleeping in, watching TV shows or movies that take the spirit away, I am willing to put this first.
Yes. Because I feel like this program can help me set myself up for successful recovery.
I hope that I can learn to cope with life after pornography and lust. I also feel like they will help me find myself and help fill the hole that porn was filling.
I am afraid that knowing this program is a religious based program and me not being a religious person I will not be able to progress through the steps because I can't open myself on a spiritual level.
I have tried to do the Steps through the books alone and I feel like doing the Steps through the curriculum will help me stay organized and feel like I am making progress on the Steps.
Yes I am ready to let go of my addiction. I feel like one of the hardest things is giving in to a Higher Power. Because I have finally realized that I am an addict.
Finally realizing that I have a problem and knowing that I was about to lose my family.
All of my old behaviors and attitudes
I really am. I work so well with assignments and academic approaches to things, and I feel like therapy and other modes of this work haven't been best for me because there isn't a lot of accountability or deep thinking in the way I respond to. I also have been averse to journaling, and now, with this option, I'll be able to track my progress, which I'm really excited for.
I hope that I can learn to love myself and shed my codependency.
I'm afraid that in this process, I will re-anger or re-humiliate people, mainly Jerusha and Sam, and that they will take action to "cancel" me or push me toward a relapse, as happened in the past.
It will hold me accountable, of course, but also keep me present in a way that other programs cannot. Journaling every day and keeping my wits about me will be really important during all this.
Yes. It has ruined a relationship that I really cared about, with Ashley, but also I felt the feeling of relapse and efforts derailed, which felt so defeating and impossible to overcome. I know that thinking of the health of my communities will motivate me to remain sober from toxic behavior.
For one, I'm taking this course and this step. It feels like I'm really serious about this effort for the first time.
I will leave behind social media. It was a place for affirmation and not for communication. That will really focus me and allow me to be present.
Yes, I'm tired of having this weight, shame, secrecy, anger, manipulation etc... apart of my life. I want to give them up so my life and the lives of those around me are better.
That I can not only understand why I have these cravings but how I can have these craving diminish or go away all togeather.
I might fail again.
It will keep me focused and let the Lord work my soul.
Not YES but HELL YES! I have been struggling with this for over 40 years, and I have proven to myself that I can't do it on my own. Without my Heavenly Father, I feel very powerless to this monster in me.
I have a sponsor who not only keeps tabs on me but is answering many questions that I have. Most importantly is that I am turning this over to God, because I can't do it on my own.
I must leave behind my pride, because without humility, no changes will happen in my heart or soul.
Yes, because in the past I've been trying to do it by my own, and it has been ineffective, thus, I hope this structure program can help me to recover from sexual addiction.
I hope find long-last healing and sobriety, but I think those two things are a long-term goals, however, I'm looking to find peace, comfort, and that my levels of honesty can improve to the point that I can be completely transparent with my wife and others. I hope to find a safe space from lust and other harmful addictive behaviors I've allowed to creep in once again in my life.
I'm afraid to lose my family, to don't be able to be present for my dear wife and my son. Both of them are extremely important for me, and I just love them so much. I use to be afraid of lose my membership at my church, however, now I'm afraid of loosing my soul and my personal relationship with my God and my Savior, I'm afraid to be alone and to lose my identity as a son of God who is worthy and powerful to overcome challenges.
I do believe working the steps one day at a time work for me because I need to find structure that I need in my personal life. I do believe on my patriarchal blessing that my Grandfather gave me when I was a teenager. On this blessing it mentions how important is to have a structure and a routine on my personal life, and I've seen how amazing and powerful I can become when I do so. Thus, I know this little way of working the steps will work for my personal and spiritual progress.
I am ready, I feel that I have hit once again rock bottom and I have lose all sense of accountability and stability on my recovery. I know that I have to do amends with my High Power, however I need help from my High Power to help my "unbelief"
This time I want to be more honest with my sponsor, my groups, my therapist (if I get the chance to meet with him) my wife, my God and ultimately with myself. I also I will put the effort for having this self care in my life. I want to spent some time working the steps here, in California, Mexico and wherever I go.
I willing to leave behind my ego, my dishonesty, and mu pride. Mu new normal will be more honest, humble and willing to work and change along the way
Yes, I am looking forward to working the steps. I'm looking forward to finding healing and having a spiritual awakening. In some ways, I am also not looking forward to working the steps, because they require "work." They also require change, which I am very resistant to.
I hope to find peace and hope again in my life. I hope to be able to help other people.
I am afraid that I will remove so many things from my life that it will just be an empty shell of a life. I have to be careful that as I remove things from my life, I also replace them with positive things as well.
I'm already in a pretty good groove with working the steps and doing daily scripture study, so I feel like it will work for me. I could also see myself getting lazy with it though, if I get to the point where I feel like I'm already "recovered."
I am scared to turn my will over to my Higher Power. I am afraid He will require too much. I also want to, because my life as it is is not very happy. Why not try something radically different?
I will patient as I work the steps. I want to really make sure I am letting them affect my soul and that I am actually working them rather than passively studying them.
I am willing to leave it all behind. I want this. I want to be reborn. I want a new life.
Yes! Having worked the steps in the past I am aware of the value they bring and they change in my life that they can generate. While I strive to always focus on all 12 steps in my personal recovery and when working with others, I recognize that I have more to learn and am excited to go through the process of revisiting each step.
I hope that I will gain new insights and understandings about the steps, my Higher Power and myself. That with that increased understanding I can become a better version of myself, more effective in those I would help and most importantly in my conscience contact with God.
I am slightly afraid that I will not gain new insights and it will feel like busy work and ineffective.
I feel that the daily structure will be helpful for me to ensure that I am doing my own step work for myself. Too often I spend so much time helping others with their step work that I neglect the focus on my own.
Yes! I have had a powerful experience doing that in that past and it is something that I strive to do each day. I know that He truly desires what is best for me.
This time will be a little unique because I have worked the steps before and feel that I have a good understanding of them.
My ego. Thinking that I know the steps already and my assumption that there wont be anything new that they have to offer.
I am. Because I am tired of having this addiction rule my life. I’m tired of feeling shame and hopelessness that I am a bad person and will never get better. If the steps can help me, I want to give it a try.
As the books say, “progressive victory over lust”. I hope that I will learn strategies to identify triggers for the addiction and how to flee from this sin. I am hoping that I will grow in my relationship with God and allow him to help me through this so that I can live a freer and more peaceful life.
I am afraid of the attacks from Satan getting stronger and keeping me in the awful darkness that got me here. I am afraid of relapses and what that will mean for my relationship with God, how I view myself, and my relationship with my fiancé.
I need daily accountability to help me. I need lots of structure. The steps seem like it will provide both of those for me. I also feel like the more I get into recovery, the more I will want to stay there and do the work necessary to do so.
I really struggle with this, to be honest. I do enjoy the temporary feeling that lust gives me. The chase, the warm feeling, it is exciting. But the pain and despair I feel afterwards is so consuming. I want to let God help me through the feelings of sexual desire (that he designed for good) so that it may be placed in its proper setting. I want to give it to God because I have seen the way he has helped other men in my life. Now because I have tried to stay clean on my own in so many ways and they have all failed. I always have gone back. Being all in on God is the only way.
Putting in the work on a DAILY basis. No more of the “work hard for a few days then slip back into it”. Doing the things necessary to flee. Making phone calls in times of temptation, doing daily prayer for protection from God, identifying situations that are tempting and asking God for help, daily reflection through writing, daily reading of God’s word and recovery materials.
My desire for sexual gratification. My lustful, worldly idea of what sex is. “For the man”, watching porn, masturbating, talking to women outside of my relationship, fantasizing, lustful conversations with friends, going to bars and parties, putting myself in compromising situations.
Yes, I have been struggling with pornography, masturbation for the last 45 years of my life. I am ready to beat this addiction.
I hope to learn, grow and better understand my addiction, the triggers and connection with those people who will never judge, shame or criticize me.
It doesn't work and I will relapse back into my addictions.
I believe it will help me on a daily basis and give me one more tool in my workbox to recover from my addiction.
Yes, I am tired of the constant waste of time, energy and money I have spent on this addiction. I am tired of hurting those around me with my selfish actions. My strength in God has always been lackluster and I want to build a relationship with my God.
Recovery work. SA meetings, reading, workshops, amends, honesty, unafraid and unashamed.
Pornography, masturbation, affairs with women, my inadequacies, resentment, minimalizing, gaslighting, dishonesty.
Yes because I feel like I’m coasting and not progressing in my recovery.
I am able to grow and assist others in Recovery.
I might harm or injur my daughters if I tell them about my addiction.
Consistency is the best way to progress one day at a time.
Yes. He is the only way to connect and truely recover.
I’m ready for the next step.
Lust in all forms.
I was scared and I still am. I have never really given my all to a program or to recovery. I am hopeful, excited, and ready to get started. I have struggled with self hate and self worth which has led to me not truly believing in me. I have hid from who I am and the pain that I have caused my family and I have lied to try and change that but lies do not change the truth. I have hid from our Lord and kept myself from really feeling His love as I have been too afraid.
I hope to open up and be my complete being in the eyes of God and my wife and all of those who know me. I hope to learn how to deal with the things that have caused me to struggle in the past and to deal with the issues that have contributed to me being a sex addict and have caused me to want to cover up and not speak about my struggles. I hope to become a strong Christian and put all of me in His Hands as I have fought my pride and control issues in the past and that has hindered me.
My past actions will cause pain to the ones I love. I will become who I have always wanted me to be and there will be no more excuses for any wrong behavior and I will be completely accountable. I want this but it is scary to me as I have never been in that position to where I am accepting of all of me and all of my mistakes.
I think it will work for me. I am not consistent. I will do good for a few days and then I will stop and not do the work needed anymore. Having it every day to go and read to keep me focused on what needs to be studied and learned will be a great help to me as I need that every day.
I am ready to turn it over. I have been fighting this for so long. I have been married for 18 years and was fighting it before then but it didn't matter as much as it does now. We have 3 children who are growing and I want to be a Godly man, a Godly husband, and a Godly, earthly father. Now is the time as I have spent the past years of my life running from God and taking out my hurts and my pains on those I love the most and not dealing with them directly.
I will have a sponsor to share my progress with. I will have someone who is there with me other than my wife that cares and will hold me accountable and help me hold me accountable. In sharing with a sponsor, I will be more prone to share and communicate with my wife. I am declaring myself a sex addict and I have put that off for so long. This day is a long time coming in my life.
Not facing who I truly am and not focusing on the truth of me. I have tried to lie about me and who I am to make me into someone I am not. Truth is what I am focusing on being my new normal as lies were my old normal.
Yes. Looking for greater understanding and spiritual strength. Looking for truth. No because waking early will be tough to be consistent at.
Humility and progress to becoming born again in the Spirit.
Setting myself apart from old habits. People who have known me will think it is just me faking it. Not being able to relate to the good old boys at work, although that is becoming less of an issue due to seniority.
Will work because "give us this day our daily bridge" teaches me that I can't stockpile recovery. It can only be gotten one day at a time. Getting outside my head is a daily activity. Anything less has me thinking "I got this".
Yes. And yes. Command in June. Kids are getting older. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Nicole deserves better and can't handle getting smacked by betrayal.
Working a daily study. Connection through SAL. Daily tracking of recovery goals. Better meetings.
Already left behind phone apps and websites (through blocker). Willing to leave behind any media that is triggering. Willing to be on a plan while traveling or away from Nicole. Willing to admit I am addicted. Willing to see that it is not me that will do this alone.
Yes, I am very much looking forward to working the steps. I worked them once before and felt growth and improvement. The steps are hard and a lot of work, but I won't improve or progress without effort.
I hope my heart will change. I hope the compulsion to escape from life will ease. I hope my ability to cope with difficulties will improve. I hope I can become kinder and of greater service to people around me. These would all be miraculous gifts from God.
I am afraid that I will learn painful truths about myself. I am afraid that I will have to struggle a lot, that this is going to be really hard.
Small, daily bites are definitely better for me. I do struggle to be consistent in my recovery work, but learning to do so will help me a lot.
I want to be ready. I want to want to let go and turn my will over. My head tells me that's the right move and everything will be better for it. I know that's true. But my heart struggles with that. I want to turn over everything except for those few remaining things that I want to hold back. I still want to be selfish or proud or impatient at times. I want to avoid criticism or other's bad opinions. It's a real wrestle.
I have never worked this curriculum, so that will be new. I had a rigid schedule last time I worked the steps with ARP Support and it felt rushed and a little superficial at times, so I am hoping to ponder more and delve a little more deeply.
That's a great question. What am I willing to discard. I am willing to be open-minded about areas I need to change, to let go of the assumption that I am doing ok in any particular area of my character or life. I am also willing to discard the idea that I can skip my daily connection with God and not suffer consequences. I need to intentionally reach out to heaven daily.
Yes, because I'm ready to start making good progress here after almost a year of coming to group
I hope to learn and to stay connected to SAL and my recovery.
I'm not afraid.
I think I'll end up not doing daily work. I will try to though. It would likely increase my self awareness
Absolutely. I want it gone. I let myself live in addiction and porn mindlessly for years and surrounded it with lies. I need it gone. I want to change how I live life and be a man who is authentically a good man.
Dailies. Group. Reading and learning. Doing thew work of recovery.
I've left behind a lot through my boundaries. I'm leaving behind comfort and ease for a more active and decision driven way of life.
Yes, I am looking forward to working the Steps because I know that I need to take that approach to be fully accountable for my past actions and to stay committed to a positive recovery. I have been in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Addiction Recovery Program from about March 2021 - March 2022 and began SALifeline in March 2022.
I hope to learn about different strategies that will help me cope with my addiction and the stress that comes from living my life every day. Instead of acting out, I want to find positive ways to deal with stress, trials, temptations and other conditions (BLAST - boredom, loneliness, apathy, stress, and temptation) in my life.
I am not really afraid, but I believe that if I commit to daily, regular connection with my God and the holy scriptures, together with my stepwork that I will fall back into bad patterns that lead to acting out.
When I commit to daily actions, sometimes I do them and sometimes I get lazy and do not do them. So, I just need to incorporate stepwork into my daily routine. I know from my own experience thus far and from the example of others that "it works when I work it."
Yes - I am preparing for full-time missionary service with my wife and I am prepared to surrender everything - my time, my talents, my weaknesses, my addictions, and everything else to God. I need this for myself and my wife and for everyone else I will meet and serve.
I have the education, tools, support, and desire to engage in positive recovery. I have already developed many new habits, routines, boundaries, and strategies to help me overcome situations that have caused me challenges in the past.
I am willing to leave behind my escape into pornography, masturbation, fantasy and lust to carve out a new path for healthy recovery. I am willing to put my relationship with God and my wife above all things, including escaping or numbing out with inappropriate outlets.
Yes. For 13 years now I have never reached long term recovery. I have never maintained a lifestyle of recovery. I have never become a man who is honest day in and day out or humble enough to surrender everyday. I have always gone back to delusions and thinking that I do not need to do the steps anymore.
I hope to become a man who is honest, accountable, trustworthy, connected to God, connected to others, connected to myself, and one who works everyday at recovery, and full of love and compassion for myself and my wife and children
That I will do what I always do and that is: That I work real hard for a month or two and then slack off and eventually stop working the program and return to depression, fear, anxiety, dishonesty, and that I return to acting out to escape the painful feelings of life.
Anytime I have worked the steps and been honest then I have been blessed with sobriety and connection. Everytime I have stopped working the steps I have relapsed and felt more pain. They work if I work them.
You know what I really hope so. My addiction has been my escape or release or my go to for years when I am in pain and without fail it has been reliable for temporary relief but also increased long term pain and suffering. I am ready after a week where I relapsed twice and lost complete control to turn my will completely over to God. My will, my thinking, and my ways have not worked up to this point and in fact I have only gotten way worse when I stop working the program.
I will maximize recovery every day and make it my priority everyday. The day I stop doing recovery is the day I relapse and lose my freedom, peace, and amazing connection. Recovery Work is hard but it actually gives me what I truly want and that is freedom, peace, and connection.
I am willing to leave behind my obession to manipluate my wife into being okay or to not have her get angry and to surrender my obession that I can eventually do less work and be healed and not have to actually work the program or to have to be humble everyday and honest everyday. I will give up my false hopes of being a "normal" and that my new normal has to be recovery as the #1 in my life. My wife is no longer my number #1. Because really its me being co-dependant and never really being honest that I am using her approval and happiness that I am enough and that will never work long term.
Yes. I previously attempted to work the steps, but didn’t feel like I completed the process. I was unsure of how to do it and did not receive much guidance. I feel like I still have a lot of work to do on myself to continue my healing and recovery.
I hope that I learn to be a more honest person. To be able to accept myself first and foremost and be more willing to show my true self to those around me. I hope to develop more humility and stop being a victim in life.
I guess my biggest fear would be that I don’t learn the lessons that I need to learn to keep healing and recovering. I also have some fear about my ability to stay committed to this over time. I tend to have very good intentions but to get easily distracted with the many things that I have going on.
I feel that I need to stay grounded and committed to this as a daily activity. I have no doubt that it will work for me if I am willing to work the program.
Yes. I have endured a lot of pain in my life related to my addiction. Also, I have inflicted a lot of pain to those that I love most including Amy and my kids. I recognize that I need God’s help to become a better person. I believe that is the only way that I will truly recover in the long run.
I will be more consistent. I think it will help that Amy has expressed a desire to co-parent together but take time to work on ourselves. It feels like she is giving me permission to really focus on this, regardless of how much time or effort it requires.
I am willing to leave behind my tendency to control outcomes and feel in control of everything. I am willing to sacrifice time and energy on a daily basis. I am willing to ask for help when I need it. I am willing to be more open and honest with Amy through this process.
I am looking forward to the steps because I no longer want to feel lost in my life. I want to become a better person and feel happy and proud of who I am. My addiction is destroying my marriage and family and I want to take control of my life and the feelings which lead me to where I am today.
I hope that I might find acceptance of my addiction, my flaws, my upbringing and my past. I hope in letting go all this stress, pain, and weight that I carry I can finally find happiness and direction in my life. I am so used to hiding from myself, my feelings, and my pain that I have grown numb and now I am lost. This is what keeps leading me on the path of addiction and I want to be a better man for me, my wife, and my kids. I want to look forward to every day and not look for every which way to escape.
That my wife will find her breaking point and leave with the kids and that I will relapse and my addiction will get worse. I am so obsessed with micromanaging myself that I just want to know what the right things to do are and the right mindset to have.
I need structure and direction. I am used to depending solely on myself and hiding away from others thinking I can handle it all on my own. I realize that's not healthy and I want to be responsible and take action with my recovery, so I hopefully never lead back to that lifestyle.
I am ready however I need this direction because I need to relearn what God is and represents. My past is filled with distorted ideas of God and those who raised me weaponized religion to shape who I am. I need to learn what a healthy relationship with God is and how faith can help steer me on a better path to not just recovery, but happiness as well.
For years I've been taking the weight of recovery on myself saying I would get better and going through the motions, never really giving an effort to get better. I am tired of depression and feeling hopeless and not in control of my life and I don't want my negligence to cost me everything I care about.
Porn, lying, gaslighting, shame & self-loathing mindset, objectification, my temper, holding onto past mistakes & what I can't control, anger for how I got where I am, hiding away from the world, and low self esteem.
Yes. I have been attending meetings for over 14 months now. I have had many relapse during this time. I have been able to reach step 4 with the help of my sponsor. I want to start this online 12 step study tool to help make my efforts for consistent and effective.
I hope to learn what it means to stay in and work my recovery. As I am humble, honest, and accountable, I hope to be lead by God and others to live in recovery, change my heart and habits, have better relationships; especially with my wife and kids. I hope to progress as a husband and father. I hope to become a better person with higher standards, making better choices, and providing better for my family. I hope to face and overcome challenges in my life and help others do the same.
I afraid that I won't be able to change and lose everything.
I feel that I need to invest in my recovery instead of simply doing what others want me to do. I don't want to be dishonest in my recovery. I believe that if I am humble, honest, and accountable in my recovery that God will be able to change my heart.
Yes. My addictions are keeping me, my wife, and my children from living a joyous and free life. I want this more than anything. I am willing to give all I have to God so he can heal me. I know He can give me strength and the ability to live happy and fulfilling lives with my wife and family.
I will be humble, honest, and accountable.
Laziness, procrastination, pride, gaslighting, lust in all its forms, and fear.
To be honest, I feel a little bit of both excitement and dread. The dread comes from the fact that in the past, I've felt the steps weren't my favorite. Part of this was that I didn't love the environment of 12 step meetings. They can be difficult and sometimes it almost feels like the steps are a type of addiction in themselves. I didn't always connect well with the group of men that were in the groups or advocating the steps. I also struggled with sponsorship and being able to find someone I really connected with to help be my sponsor. All that said, the largest part of my reticence to work the steps stems from the fact that they are so nebulous. There was very little structure or consistency to what actually working the steps meant, which made it hard for me to know if I was doing it right or when to move on to the next part. Therein lies the excitement with trying it this way. I am grateful there is actually a measurable way for me to work on these and progress. Ii hope that I will be able to work through these in a meaningful way.
I really just want to get some long term sobriety and to be able to see the world for what it really is. I hope my anxiety goes down, my stress levels go down, I'm more able to come with emotional distress, and that I'm able to have more respect for women. I want to forge an eternal family and to be realistic about the world and about joy. I want to become more selfless and less self absorbed with the activities and things I enjoy, and focus on bringing that joy to others. I really want to be a hard worker and feel that I have the self discipline and motivation to do things that are difficult, give freely of myself and my own time and effort, and to lift and bless others, especially my family members and children.
I'm afraid that this will turn out like all the other things that i've tried. I keep on trying and working and praying and setting goals and changing things but I still relapse often. I also worry that those changes won't happen, that I'll continue to struggle with anxiety and fear. I also worry that I'll fail to eliminate addictive influences in my life, whether sexual or just others like food or entertainment. I am afraid of things not working out and me not getting better.
I used to think it wouldn't work partly because it felt nebulous. I really struggled to know how to work the steps and how to figure them out. I also struggle with long term daily activities, so I sometimes wonder if doing daily step work will actually be feasible. I like things to be done quickly with minimal effort (as a lot of people do), but unfortunately that's just not the way this works. My one other concern is that I don't always like recovery materials. Sometimes they are worded strangely or make me feel uncomfortable, so I want to make sure I can do it without feeling triggered or turning away from it when it's difficult or asks me to do something I don't like.
One thing that helps me to feel this will work is because it's clearly delineated. There is a clear path forward and a way to do it daily in manageable chunks.
I always think that I am. I really hope I am. There is a scripture in the Book of Mormon that talks about even having a desire to believe, and letting that desire work until it becomes real belief and continues to grow through nourishment. That's how I view my willingness to let go. My addiction has certainly helped me in stress management and has provided an escape. But I know in my heart that is not the kind of escape I want. Although there are tiny bits of me that might be holding on, I do want to let go because I know that will help me. It's scary to turn my will over completely to anyone. But I am willing to do what it takes to start. I'm willing to make this the focus of my life, and I believe that God will help me completely surrender to Him as I practice doing it over and over. I'm ready now because I look at my life and I see something I don't want. I look around and see what I do. I want a happy marriage. I want to confidently follow God and to keep my covenants. I want to be a hardworking, selfless, and dedicated man that excels at school, at work, AND at home. I want to have children and to raise them in a way where I can confidently say that I am a good example. I've had enough of the misery, uncertainty, and faithlessness that this brings. I am scared that it feels like there is a little bit in me that is scared of this question. But I do believe that effort breeds commitment, so at the very least I am committed to increased effort and prayer that my desire to COMPLETELY turn over my will comes as I do so. I don't want life to get any worse in order to get me to that point, I want to choose to make that point now in my life. I choose to be in control of my will, and I choose to turn it over to God.
Consistency. I will be consistent. I will do this, scripture study, exercise (15 min) and prayer every single day. Even if that means walking around at 2 AM. Even if that means missing assignments or TBL. I can do those 4 things every day for a year. And I think I will get better and better and stronger as I do so. That I can commit to. I'll share it also with my loved ones and eventually my sponsor. I'm also willing to talk to a sponsor.
I think the most important thing that I am willing to leave behind is my own comfort. I'm willing to let go of some things I like (certain forms or volume of entertainment, devices if necessary, whatever it takes) and start some things I don't (daily step work, exercise, working with a sponsor/therapist, going to meetings). I am willing to do things that make me uncomfortable. I'm also wiling to do what I can to leave behind anxiety and fear and negativity. This will be the hardest of all, but it is necessary if I'm going to make a full recovery.
It’s daunting. I’ve been looking forward to work the steps in a more organized way. I feel I want to do this and I hope God can help me thru this journey. I want healing, I want to repent.
I hope to become the man that God wants me to be. A husband that my wife can trust and love. A father who can be worthy of the Spirit to guide his family
Failure. I’m afraid if finding something that I can’t do either because it’s too hard or it imposes some extreme situation. Im mostly afraid of the I known
Daily work will help me to stay clean and focused into improvement
I am ready to let go of my addiction in many aspects in some I feel weird because I fear that I won’t have coping mechanisms well built yet to deal with life in general
Structure and a sponsor. I’ve needed a program, I’ve needed a step by step work. And a sponsor, someone I can go to discuss my step work
Yes! I’m willing to leave behind what’s holding me back to be a better myself for my God and my family, my community, my job
The answer hear is mixed. I am looking forward to doing the work that is going to help me recover and overcome my issues. I do feel overwhelmed thinking about the need to do this the rest of my life. The fact that this is never over makes me feel like I will always be in bondage in one way or another. There are so many things I am trying to do in my life and I am burning the candle at both ends. Thinking about doing this the rest of my life is very daunting and will inevitably slow down my other goals. All that being said, I understand that this is the most important thing that I need to be doing for myself, for my marriage and my family. It doesn't take the pain away of what I have to sacrifice to do it, though.
I hope that I will be able to overcome lust in such a way that it doesn't have power over me anymore.
I am afraid that over time the pain of what has happened will fade and the memories will diminish and I will fall back into a relapse again. I am also afraid of not accomplishing my other life goals because of all the attention I have to put into recovering from my addiction.
I definitely feel that it will be a big help to me. My last relapse was a big wakeup call and I am hoping that I can use the momentum I have and that working the steps in this very structured and guided way will keep me moving in a positive direction to overcome my destructive addictive tendencies.
Yes, I am ready. There is always that part of the addiction that tries to put fear in you, but I know what I need to do. I have wasted too much of my life and lost so many things I could have had if I didn't have this addiction. Why now? Because I can better see now that this isn't something that I can put behind me after getting to a good place. I will always have to be working on myself and keeping myself from falling back into my old ways.
This time I will not be waiting for the "end" of my recovery work so I can put this all behind me and move on with my life. This time I realize that I have to continue to work on myself in order to keep myself from falling back into my addictive tendencies.
I am willing to leave behind my insatiable desire for lust and sexual activity. I am willing to leave behind my pride that I do not need to be in a "rehab center" forever. The belief that I am not as bad as others and I can overcome this without dedicating so much of my life to recovery.
I feel like I am looking forward to working the steps, however, I'm also afraid of my own weakness and I know that I struggle to begin new daily habits. I understand this is an essential step in my recovery journey, though, and I am willing to put forth the effort it will take to cultivate those habits and develop the skills I need to succeed.
There are many things that I hope to achieve while working through the steps but one of the things that I desire most strongly is to learn to develop the ability to be courageously honest with myself and others.
I think that the thing that I fear the most is that I will fail in my efforts and that I will end up loosing everything that is most dear to me.
I feel like having a step by step process that is broken down into manageable segments will be beneficial to me, and will afford me the ability to feel like I am capable of following through without becoming overwhelmed.
I want to be ready to let go of my addiction. I am tired of allowing my addiction have power over my life and being so afraid of what others will think that I feel like I have to lie in order to cover up my behavior. I want to turn my will over to God and allow him to guide my life in the direction that he sees will be the most beneficial and productive.
The biggest thing that I plan to change in my efforts this time is to cultivate honest in my efforts and to keep open lines of communication about my recovery efforts and where I am at with my daily struggles.
As I begin to practice this new normal, I am willing to leave behind my fear and pride and to work towards learning new patterns for living.