What are the Main Problems the Course Will Solve?
The SAL 12-Step Curriculum is a tool intended to help you personally work the 12-Steps and receive the full benefits of the program in your daily living. Many people find more success working the program consistently and for the long-term by using the curriculum to guide their Step work.
The curriculum offers the following benefits:
- Educational videos introduce you to foundational recovery concepts.
- Step work is broken up into 5-10 minutes of daily reading and journaling, making it easy to work the Steps and make consistent progress.
- All SA, AA, S-Anon, and S.A.Lifeline materials are included for a comprehensive approach to Step Study.
- Guided meditations are incorporated to help you work Step 11 and deepen the spiritual connection with the God of your understanding.
- Recovery discussions help you better understand recovery concepts as you listen to the strength, hope, and experience of individuals who are finding long-term recovery through the SAL12step program.
After using the SAL 12-Step Curriculum now for over a year, I don't know any other way to work the Steps. It's been so helpful to keep me focused and know what I should do next. I'm now working on the 12 Steps again and focusing on specific relationship with my son. Thanks SAL!

I feel like I jumped in with two feet into this whole experience and it has made such a difference, even in the little time that I have been participating! It is still hard to make the decision to actually do everything and take action, but I really feel and see the difference.