Yes I am looking forward to working the steps in the hopes of it helping strengthen the relationship with me and my girlfriend as well as building trust and showing my commitment to healing
I hope It helps heal an addiction that has caused a lot of damage in myself as well as my girlfriend. I hope it gives me a new perspective and shines a positive light in my life.
I'm afraid I might get tired of working the steps and get complacent / not apply myself like I need to.
I think it will provide a sense of accountability as well as show commitment on my part for my partner and she can see that I am keeping my word I gave to her.
Yes I am ready to surrender my addiciton and heal from this. I have caused a lot of damage I thought I could fix bymself but situations I have put myseld and my partner in have proved otherwise. I am finally seeking external help after many years.
I have my girlfiends full support and I am ready to commit to a different lifestyle in order to better my day to day life and relationship with my girlfriend.
Pride / Lust / Ego and let my guard down becoming fully vulnerable
Yes, because I am in a stage of life where I don't generally feel well. I am coping with stress and life challenges very poorly. I am depressed and anxious and feel spiritually disconnected. My relationship with my wife is really struggling and I am getting more angry and filled with rage.
I hope that I can find peace and serenity. I hope that I can feel more positive and optimistic and comfortable in my own skin. I hope that I can overcome lust and gain a sense of healthy sexuality.
I am concerned about my ability to stay committed. I am very good at starting things. I excel at the brainstorming and planning stages and tend to fail at the day to day requirements of completing things.
I hope that as I work the program daily I will begin to break through the superficial attempts of overcoming my addiction to lust. I know that I need to go deeper with my recovery work in order to make a meaningful change.
I really hope so. I wish I could give a resounding YES! but I am nervous and possibly still in denial about the work that true recovery really takes. I must make changes now because my marriage is about to fail and I am very unhappy. My rage has reached almost dangerous levels and my business has been seriously struggling for several months.
I am definitely more ready to turn my will over to God. I am doing things I haven't done before. I have connected with a sponsor, I am working with a good therapist and I am attending meetings regularly.
I am ready to leave my old mindset and approach spirituality behind. I am ready to set my ego aside and seek to be more humble, teachable and submissive to God, my sponsor, my wife, my therapist and the program.
I am really looking forward to working these steps because I have seen through others how powerful they can be, and i know it works when i work it. As I've taken a more hands on approach and dug deeper with the steps I have seen how they really work.
I hope it will build the muscles of recovery, I hope it will make me live in true recovery, i hope it will make me a better man, husband, father. I hope it will help rewire my brain and give me the tools to get to a healthy place. I hope it helps me find peace.
I'm afraid that I will get discouraged and stop, or that if I miss a day I will miss the next day and it won't become a habit.
Just like working out i know that its better to be consistent then do hours and hours of work on one day and then nothing for a week. Working the steps daily brings me daily serenity, i think it will be really important to my recovery.
Yes I am willing to let it go, because my life has become unmanageable and the pain of addiction is now greater then the pain of recovery no matter the cost.
This time I have a support system, this time I have everything to gain and nothing to lose because my life is miserable with the addiction, this time from the bottom of my soul I want this, this time I recognize the power of steps, surrender and my higher power.
All of my past acting out behaviors porn, masturbation, sexting, flirting, street lust, like Jason Borne I am truly ready to give myself to this program.
I have chosen to hit rock bottom and am ready to make any changes I need to change my life...yes I am ready to work the Steps.
I want to overcome the residual resentment, anger, self-righteousness, perfectionism, and self-centeredness that continue to hold me back from full recovery.
I get so caught up in doing "stuff" that I forget about making connections, being present, slowing down when necessary, etc.
It will work because it has for so many other people and I am no better or worse than they are.
Absolutely. I have had enough time experiencing life on my own terms and they sucked. I am ready to try something different.
I will reach beyond myself and accept that I can't do it on my own. I will face my shame instead of running from it.
Anything that holds me back from full recovery I will leave behind...not just the acting out, but the rest of what comes with the addiction as well.
I am looking forward to it because I want to learn these tools and I want to change in my heart. I want to be new. I am not looking forward to it because of the time I will need to put into it.
I hope that my mind and heart changes, that I have more peace, and I heal and recover from addiction.
I am afraid it won’t work.
The hard thing about doing it daily will be the time it takes. I am wanting to do different things to take care of myself.
I think I need to ponder this question more. Of course my first response is yes. I struggle with my higher power and trusting. I recognize I need to do this though.
I am doing the online program. I want to do this differently.
Whatever it takes. I don’t know how to make a list, but as things come up, I will work though that with God.
Yes I am because I want to live in recovery from my addiction. I have lived in the depths of my addiction for over 10 years and I am working toward living in recovery.
I Hope I come to learn how to react to my emotions in a positive way with out returning to my old addiction. I also want to make up for any harm I have caused my loved ones.
I am afraid that what I have seen will keep bothering me and draw me back to my addiction, and not let me recover.
It will be daily reminder that I need to be vigilant and keep a reminder at the front of my mind that I always need to be cautious with what I watch, look up and put around me.
Yes. I have lived for 14 years with this addiction in my life, and I want to get to the point where i can trust myself to make the correct decision when I feel the temptation. I'm tired of living as a slave to my emotions.
This time it will be different because I have the support of the other guys in the group and the support of my wife also.
I am willing to open myself up to feeling my emotions and working through them. I am willing to leave behind the pleasure that I felt when acting out and to practice self-control over my body.
Yes I am, I believe my addiction has held me down, and greatly affected my relationships especially with my girlfriend and I never want to break that trust again.
I hope I start to see my self in a better life and use this addiction as a stepping stone to better my life.
I am afraid I may not be truthful, and avoid the difficult conversations.
I believe it will give me something to do like a reminder of what Im trying to do and that better my life, and my significant other.
I believe I am ready and I believe now is the case because I’ve neglected that part of my life when it’s very important for my betterment.
I believe that I have something to commit my efforts to, and a guide or the steps to follow instead of aimlessly finding my way.
Definitely willing to leave behind feelings of shame and the feelings that I have a crushing sensation that no one will ever like, love, or trust me again.
I am looking forward to doing the 12th steps. Because I have seen other men with similar problems. Who have long-term recovery And I want that for myself.
I hope to be able to learn how to have long-term recovery for myself. By living 1 day the time.
I am afraid that I will get complacent and that. I will justify a compromise here or a compromise there. Until I give up working on the steps altogether.
I feel like working. The steps daily will work for me. Because if I am honest with myself daily. Then I can learn the things that I need to do. To have long-term success.
I do feel that I am ready to surrender and turn my will over to God. I do feel that to completely turn. Your will over to God would require perfection.
I have confessed and now I am doing it with God as my partner instead of my own way. And that is what is different for me.
I am willing to identify whatever triggers my addiction and give it up. I am willing to make bottom lines as I identify the need. I am willing to work on myself daily.
Yes and no. I don't like doing this kind of work. I am hoping that this curriculum makes the steps clear and understandable for me.
I get a clear understanding of myself and learn how to be rigorously honest and practice that on a daily basis.
Im afraid the steps will be obscure and confusing. If I don't have good direction and understanding I will stop.
Ten minutes a day sounds good to me because I get overwhelmed when I think about doing a project.
Absolutely! I want to be free of addiction. I want to have serenity and peace in my life.
I believe I can quit now and I didn't believe that in the past. I have a lot of men that support me now.
My addiction and my character defects!
Yes, I want to be a better person.
I hope to understand my addiction and help me make better choices to change my life.
I am afraid a lot of trauma from my past will be stirred up.
I feel it will work if I surrender it to God.
Yes, life is to short and I want to make the most of my time.
I am surrendering it to God.
Everything and anything that hinders my goal from living sober.
Yes, because I recognize that my complacency in not working the steps has kept me mired in an addictive cycle. I also recognize that I have many character defects (anger and pride being chief among them) and I want God to remove those defects. I want to live in joy and peace. I believe that God will not remove those defects without me making the necessary efforts to improve, and I believe that stepwork is a critical part of that effort.
That the obsession to lust diminishes. That my desire to turn to anger and resentment also diminishes. That I have stronger and more intimate connection with my wife, children, and others. That I have increased joy and peace in my life.
I will become complacent again. I will be asked to do hard things that I will feel embarrassed to do. I will have to do things that I feel incapable of doing. I will not progress or get as much out of my stepwork because I will feel that I have to do it perfectly. I will worry more about what others think of me, my work, and my answers, than worrying about the work making it possible for God to change me.
I feel that daily stepwork will work for me because it has worked in the past, and I have faith in other's experiences that stepwork worked for them. The longevity of the program (that AA started in the 30's and is still going, and growing) also gives me faith that it will work. I also have faith that as I make any sincere effort to move forward, God will bless and direct my efforts.
I hope that I am. I have failed to do so many times. I have returned to my addiction many times because it felt like the answer. It felt to me like it would give me peace. It never has---never, never, never, never, never. It always brings me sorrow and regret, destroys my peace, and hurts those closest to me. It makes me hurt those closest to me. It seems completely logical for me to be willing to trust and completely surrender to an all-knowing, all-loving God. I hope that I can completely and fully do so.
I will be consistent. I will work with my sponsor regularly. I bring with me my experience, both positive and negative.
Sin, anger, pride, comparison, a false belief that I am entitled to lust, selfishness, misery, pain, complacency, lack of unity with my wife, disharmony in my family and home, sorrow, easy but futile escapes, lack of progression, laziness, procrastination, anxiety
I'm tired of bouncing in and out of porn addiction. I want lifelong recovery.
Gain valuable insight and accountability. I view this as a lifelong process. I've tried therapy, with partial success, but looking for something for forever.
I'm not afraid.
I feel like there's accountability, a system for remembering why I'm doing it and for who I'm doing it for.
Yes, I'm done with the powerlessness of porn and always being pulled back in. I'm stronger and smarter than this.
Having recurring accountability, tracking my progress, speaking with other men about our issues in a safe/no judgement environment.
It is a structured way to complete the 12 steps
more recovery
it seems very doable. Make it a part of my day and then I can feel up to date.
Its about time.
actually working the steps.
as I make this a part of my day, then I will not be lazy
No. I do not enjoy writing - especially about personal thoughts and feelings.
I create better habits and lifestyle choices overall for improving my spirituality and self-confidence.
I may start well and for some reason or another pause and not continue.
Daily reminders tend to work well for me.
Yes, it is time to become the person the Lord wants me to be - for myself and for my family's sake.
I am working with others and following a program with proven success that is based on gospel principles.
Any relapse issues.
Yes, looking forward to not having to hide anymore and finding others who I can relate with and be supported. Finding a stronger connection with my partner and not basing the connection on only sex. Not having to spend all of this time currently spent fighting and undoing any damage done.
No, afraid of the unraveling and emotional distress of unpacking all of my past trauma and the hard I have done for others because of it
That things get easier, I have a closer connection with my partner and I can start to find joy in my life
My partner won't except me for who I am and what I have done and gone through. I am afraid to fail
Consistency and takign a liittle bit at time as to not to get overwhelmed.
I want to be but I am not sure what a higher power means to me as of yet but I am trying to do what the program says to "keep an open mind"
Consistency, and being honest
All of the negative thought patterns and beliefs that I carry with me that cause me harm on a daily basis
Yes I am, because I am ready to make a change in my life and find some solace through ritual self-work that is provided by experts who have walked these steps before me.
I hope that I gain confidence in myself, begun to let go of the negative emotions that have ruled my life, and build skills to connect with the important people in my life. All while experiencing true joy, peace, and freedom.
I am afraid the steps will not help me overcome the addiction and/or my behaviors will not change.
It will work for me because it will provide an anchor, and a grounding point that prove that I am supported by something greater than myself.
Yes. Because I am fully willing to admit the severity of this problem and horrible consequences that have come from it. I want so badly to know what it's like to live a truly joyful life.
I will ensure that I stick to the program, I will have sponsorship, and I will be brutally honest about my thoughts and actions.
I am willing to leave behind a belief that I am strong enough on my own.
I am willing to leave behind pornography forever.
I am willing to leave behind the sensations and thoughts that accompany masturbation.
I will be kinder to my family, less prideful, and most importantly, no longer white-knuckling my sobriety.
I won't have a steady habit of doing this.
I feel it will work if I'm doing it daily. I'm ready!
YES. I know I'm powerless.
I will be guided.
My own way of doing things.
Yes and no. I am looking forward to recovery but apprehensive about the future.
I hope that I start to become a better person
Now that I think about it, nothing, I guess.
I respond well to structure.
Nothing else has worked
More structure and support
Yes cause I want to get better and improve myself, and no cause it feels like a lot in my life right now and there are some hard things to working the steps, but overall I am excited
I hope I can find proper recovery and also work on my character flaws as well and work on some of the difficulties of my life that I’ve struggled with for a long time
I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it and won’t find my recovery
It will work because it will help keep me present in recovery every day I’m also worried that I won’t have the time or ability to do recovery
Yes cause it’s time and I don’t want to lose my family and I know I will if I don’t
Doing it every day, being honest, way more honest than I have been, and just do it every day
Dishonesty and the favorite sins and just doing my best to work hard at it every day. I’m going to leave behind laziness
Yes, I feel like I need more structure in my step work. After 3 years and 2 sponsors I feel I haven't done the steps as well as I should.
My relationship with God and those around me get stronger.
I may feel like an amends needs to be made to those that I have felt in the past like it may do more harm than good.
I feel like the daily routine of working the steps will help me get me back where I want to be.
Yes. I feel I have been for quite a while now, it's just that I couldn't afford the program. Also I want to be where I was with recovery once again.
I am moving forward now with the hopes of bringing other with me. As I better understand the steps I can help those that I sponsor.
Yes. Although I may be sober I want a deeper connection. And work a living amends.
Yes and no. Yes because I know that the addiction is not going anywhere and unless I do something nothing is going to change. No, because I’m scared I’ll fail or not stay consistent with this. I am still prone to shaming myself when I mess up and kind of nervous to take this serious again.
Gain more direction in my life and confidence. I just want to be headed in a positive direction with a program for living that works for me.
I won’t stay consistent with this after a couple of weeks and end right back at square zero.
I’ve had success with this before. I have worked the steps and did notice a big change in the my spiritual life.
Honestly I don’t know if I’m ready or not. Recently I came out of a divorce, and I’ve felt really apathetic towards acting out
Like nothing mattered anymore. What I do know is that whether I’m ready or not I want to start moving out of this stuck in addiction period of my life. Why now? Because I know this isn’t something that aligns with my personal values and I’m tired of it. It takes away from life, it doesn’t add. Also because I’ve notice the addiction progressing. I’m not sleeping around with a bunch of women but I could see it getting there and then I just don’t feel like I would end up with the right person for me. I want to stop the progression and have more confidence that my life isn’t ruled by compulsion.
This time I’m really wanting to change these habits not for someone else not for a goal or out of fear. I just want to do it for me. My main focus is going to be staying consistent and creating healthy habits physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.
Getting massages, unrestrained technology use, no accountability, triggering materials.
Kind of. I have tried the ARP 12 steps and did not find a lot of help for me, but I hope this program will be different!
I will learn how to handle the problems I face with my addiction and how to overcome it.
That the program may not work for me and I will be stuck as I have been for most of my life.
I learn better with daily effort, so I feel this method will work for me.
Yes, my addiction has caused me way too much pain, frustration, and suffering.
I am hitting my problem at every angle I know possible.
The old way of facing problems
Yes. I haven’t had any success in overcoming my addiction by myself and I’m encouraged by this program to begin a life in sobriety.
I’m hoping that my view of life changes from one of lust to love.
It won’t work for me.
I’m pretty sure that daily workings will have a more sustainable effect on my life.
Yes. I’m tired of the guilt, shame, and pain that I’m feeling and want to give that away permanently.
I’m committed to doing this daily and att me my meeting weekly.
Lust, shame, acting out, judgment and self loathing.
Yes, I am tired to bring subject to my list addiction. If it's not allowing me to fully be who I want to be.
I hope to gain sobriety, learn to overcome the pull of lust, and improve all my relationships, including with myself.
I'm afraid I might give up or stop working the steps. I also compartmentalize my life and ignore the person I am when I act out most of the rest of the time. I'm a little nervous to fully face that person. I imagine I need to merge the addict with who I am and become one healthy whole.
I think it will far better that what I am currently doing, which is mostly white knuckling it with scattered prayer and Scripture study mixed in. But I'm a little skeptical because of how long I've dealt with this addiction.
I hope so. Kind of depends on the day. Today yes, definitely. But when I'm feeling the pull of lust it us harder to let go because a very real part of me wants to give in.
Daily efforts with a guided plan.
I'd like to say "whatever it takes." I'm working on the conviction to fully mean it.
Yes. With my sponsors time and my time not meeting up with each other I’m kind of lost on what kind of step study to do. This will help me have something daily to accomplish.
I hope to explore my feelings and triggers and be able set up boundaries to prevent any lust hits and acting out behaviors.
My fear is my lack of motivation after a few months of recovery work.
I think it will work for me because I can’t make as much progress as I would like with just attending one SAL meeting a week.
Yes. It’s been much too long with this addiction, 17 years! I’m done with it. I want to learn from this so I can help my son not get into this addiction.
I have more resources this time. I have a community of men on the same path as I am helping me through this.
Lusting, fantasizing, objectifying women.