Men’s Step 0 – Day 1

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The part about where it says we have to stop all forms of our addiction and acting out and not feed them either physically, by viewing or touching, or mentally by remembering the lusts and feelings of my addiction. it really clarified foe me the definition of being sober. The other part was where it says we have the numbers of everyone in our group so I can call them and they can call me if needed.

It helps you connect with others who want the same thing I want. it will pull me out of myself and help me fulfill the needs I have been craving for so long.

I will reach our to Steven (my sponsor) and then I will reach out to Rayce, Scott, and Marcus.

I will not take my phone into the bathroom with me. Instead of using my phone to look up porn I will give my sponsor a call or someone else from the group when i feel the urge to act out.

I understand that the Power of God becomes available to me when I show him that I am willing to stop using my agency to act out and instead use it to surrender my will to him and following his will by stopping my acting out.

Sometimes it can take a while to really commit to the program. While to really admit that you need to be there and that you in fact cant do it on your own. Being in your head and alone is what got you to this place now. Not having the support and healthy relationships to lean on when under stress I have formed other ways of coping. Though they served me then as a form to survive, they no longer do anymore and actually bring me lots of stress, distrust, lack of confidence, and pain. Connection is the opposite of addiction.

To overcome feeling like I have a bad person, overcome feeling alone and like I need to hide fro everyone because if they knew me and say me for my flaws I would be along anyway and abandoned. Being able to be seen for who I am will help me let go of these bonds of shame and move into my recovery. The weigh of hiding and living a double life is become unmanageable.

Hopefully be meeting with a therapsit once a week once I get started next week. Also can reach out to some of the other men in the program. I will need to compile a list of who and make sure make those contacts.

I am still currently working on that. I have created bottom lines with my partner but this is something that I still need to do. Made a note in my recovery notebook to get this done this week.

Not really sure. This god aspect is very unfamiliar to me and I will need to keep thinking and working on it. I am not a "god" believer so not sure what that means specifically to me but I will try to stay open minded.

Where it says...
We can't be sober in one area while acting out in another.
I know it takes the whole spirit mind and body to completely heal.

Just by putting yourself in a healing environment will bring some healing.

My accountability partner.

No Internet on my phone
No television
Guard my eyes every day
Have personal time
Weekly contacts

Instead of wanting everyone to fix my addiction.. if I just stop and let God help me I can do it.

Comparing the cycles, living a lie, being stuck in self-absorbed mode. Relating to a lot of the defects in the circle.

To help me get out of the cycle and move towards a cyle of healing

My wife

I'm putting up barriers to social medial, computer access, etc.

I need to pause, reflect, and surrender myself to God and the process to heal.

"The measure of such commitment will be the measure of your recovery." it's not about being motivated. It's more about commitment. I believe that if I commit myself my level of commitment will equal my level of recovery. The more I commit myself the more my recovery will mean to me.

participation is one measure of my commitment.

some of the people in the Sunday meeting. I also want to contact Chris, and Rick and Mike. One of these days I need to meet with Steve.

nothing yet, but i have been staying away from Pintrest and Instagram.

think before you act. The moment I get triggered, do something about it, like talking to someone and surrendering.

Unable to complete yet. Unclear if "The White Book" is included in the monthly subscirption.

Same principles as "ministering." We learn and grow together and gain strength and insight from one another.


Avoid late night work and follow regular sleep and exercise routines.

We do all we can and trust in the Lord and His Spirit for the rest with the understanding that we can only succeed by relying on the Lord's help.

The cycle of a need not being met and then becoming preoccupied which then the ritual begins. This happened to me today feeling alone and tired and overwhelmed and a whole bunch of my basic needs just not being met again and then finding myself doing the typical ritual that leads to acting out. When’s Julia, she’s sleeping where can I go and not get caught. Seen it played out over and over

Having someone to trust to speak my truth and get this cycle that plays out out of my head and to surrender it with the support of others who have been successful

Still working on getting a group of support. Currently Dave H. Is my first contact, I’ve got a few others saved in my phone and will work to have 5-7 by the end of the month

Nothing yet. Will make a note to crest these boundaries

Not sure

"Without regular participation in a fellowship, there is no recovery". I have been thinking that I can figure this out by myself, but without a good fellowship of those who can help me, I won't recover.

Because it forces me to make connection, and that helps me see true reality. Connection is the opposite of addiction.

Ryan L
Robbie M
Logan H?

The link is broken.

The link is broken

Today, what stuck out most was the "bring the body and the rest will follow" part. I have experienced this when I go to meetings and hope that feeling only grows with continued attendance.

Because I cannot do this alone. I need to be in fellowship with other addicts to hold myself accountable, to learn from them, and also to heal my pain and shame.

I am committed to reaching out to at least two others each week. I do not know who yet.

Covenant Eyes porn blocking app.
I am writing my dedication to stay porn free every morning.
I am following the Brain Buddy Program.
I am following the Strive 21 day challenge.

If we want to change, the first step has to come from us. If we make that dedication, and truly mean it, then a power greater than ourselves will help us along our path.

I'm not being honest. My honesty is hindering my ability to get out of the addictive cycle.

Connection is king. It also helps me be honest.

Ryan, from group

technology blocks on my devices, but that's it right now.

I don't know what that means...

Did I miss something in the audio?

We stop trying to do it our way. We surrender to God and wish to do his will? Maybe?

Recovery cannot happen without fellowship. I have been resisting this and trying to do it alone.

It helps keep one accountable

Dave G whom I met at a meeting

I have stopped going to certain websites as have removed some apps from my devices

In order to benefit from the program you not only have to stop acting out but you need to give up your obsession to a higher power.

I love that it said recovery cannot happen only, it only happens in fellowship. That is so true to me because I have noticed that I feel so much stronger when I am talking to others about my recovery, I feel so much more aware on my downfalls and I feel more committed to recovery when I am talking to others.

I think it is the fact that addiction thrives in secrecy and dies in honesty and dies in the light. If I have more fellowship, I can bring it to the light and get it out of secrecy and I can kill it.

I just had the thought that I want to reach out to one brother a day in the Sunday night meeting. I think doing one call a day would be great.

I won’t take my phone in the bathroom, I don’t sleep with my phone at night in the same room, and I try to not have access to stuff when I am alone.

We have to make the first step and then let the power of god continue to help us have sobriety day after day

How essential it is to have a group that you go to in recovery. If I don't I may end up not reaching out in a time of need.

It teaches how to not start acting out again. I have stopped acting out hundreds of tines I needed help not starting again.

Jacob F

None yet, but I want to have that I don't have my phone alone in a room at night or in the bathroom. No provocative movies.
Surrender lust to a member whenever it happens.

As I stop trying to solve the problem on my own I will gain power from God in overcoming my addictions and weaknesses.

We cannot maintain effective surrender without being associated with others in recovery. First we stop, then we pray and surrender and trust. The fellowship is key.

I think because God is essential to over coming and forsaking a sin like this. God commands is us to love one another so doing this he blesses us. Also, we are meant to connect and talking with others that are struggling as well, helps us stay outside of ourselves. I have experienced this much in my meetings

I talk to my wife every night about my recovery. I’d like to set a goal to reach out to at least one person from the group by way of the phone list.

No doom scrolling
Leave my phone in my pocket at work.
Leave my phone on my desk when I go to the bathroom at work.
Remove myself from inappropriate conversations and situations.
No acting out at work.

It means, I have to do my part. I have to stop first. If I stop and pray for forgiveness and then pray to surrender it to God knowing my powerlessness over lust and knowing his power, then I can feel his power in not needing it anymore and having the strength to keep doing the things I need to do to not start again.

They drove miles to meetings
- this is something I’ve got to want and there are really no reasons as to why I can’t make a meetings

Expected god, therapists, or spouses to fix us.

- that’s me in a nut shell, I’ve spent tons of time and money trying to talk, think, or explain my way out of addiction and it hasn’t worked at all. I’ve got to take action for change to happen and allow God to change me.

- I can find connection in other areas of my life but the group is a bunch of similar people that moving towards the same goal. Getting to know them gets me committed to their recovery and them to mine. They can see through my BS and want to see mutual success.

Issac Nebeker, he also went through a divorce and struggled with this in the past. Wanted to pick his brain in how to deal with everything post divorce.

I have not done this yet. I think it’s something that I should put so time into today.

The power of God is the ability to change my heart and desires. He can’t change any of that if I’m still actively engaging in my addiction. Spikes of desire will come up, if I let them go, and turn them over to God then he can show me another one to deal with what the addiction use to deal with.

"The White Book"is inspired and everything I read in that book strikes me as true.

Ownership comes from work and working to help the group function both efficiently and effectively will help me to be more committed to the group. Attending on time, coming prepared to contribute thru sharing and expressing my thoughts on the reading are essential to being "part of" not apart from.

I have 4-5 men in the two groups I attend who I can call when I'm in need,

I have established internet boundaries with filters and usage practices that help my progress. I also use meditation and my breath to relieve myself from the bondage of self with the help of God.

I can't do anything if I don't first stop/pause my ritual behaviors, my cycling of negative emotions which take me down the path towards acting out.

Others can't stop our addiction for us, we have to stop, but the program helps us to keep from starting again. As we surrender to God, His power becomes effective in us.

We can't do this on our own, connection is critical.

My spouse.

Phone away from me at night.
Don't take the first step.
No scrolling.
Look away.

God is the source of power in overcoming addiction.

There is a way out of this mess.

For support and connection

My spouse

Do not take the first step
Keep phone away from bedroom at night
No scrolling

In stead of turning to our addiction we turn to God and in so doing He helps us through the whirlwind

I have to give up all forms of acting out. I have tried before to allow myself to engage in seemingly innocent lustful behavior with the idea that I would stop myself before it got too far. I can't do that. The seemingly innocent is still feeding my drug and I ultimately desire more. Once I've allowed myself a little I tend to give in more and more until I've taken a lot.

I need to get out of my own head and gain and outward focus. Inward focusing is part of what keeps me stuck. And it becomes easier with others.

My bishop. Other group members.

No "trolling" behavior where I brows using seemingly innocent searches to see what "happens to come up." That's where it almost always starts for me.

God is the one that helps me stay sober, but I have to surrender to Him.

The circle model. I need to set up more boundaries

Community is key to continuing on with recovery.

I’m not sure. I haven’t reached out to anyone else.

Don’t stare at women for too long. 2 seconds only.

We surrender to god all of our sinful ways and pray to god to show us the way.

the part where we stop the compulsion in all it's forms.

i obviously can't do this on my own and need the help and understanding of the others who have my problem. and i do find relief in telling the truth to my spouse and letting it out.

my spouse and the group.

deleting Utube from computer, not staring at women in public, keeping myself busy and not in a place to be thinking of lustful thoughts.

with help from our group we have god on our side to put out of my head thoughts of acting out.

Fellowship is crucial. No recovery without it.

Get out of my own head. Learn from others. Ride their coat tails until I can stand on my own.

Other members from groups. Friends.

No internet on phone. No tv or computer at night, alone.

Admitting my powerlessness and surrendering to God, brings power.

“Suddenly I was worthwhile” I feel that this is something I am working on. I feel that having fellowship has really helped me to feel accepted and FINALLY UNDERSTOOD!! Being understood was a huge factor for me and a huge reason why I keep coming back. I think it’s interesting also that at the beginning of this program they tell you to stop using your drug right away and try to begin drying out. Trying this while reading, having support and now doing the steps feels very hopeful and possible. The getting involved section kind of scares me because I imagine myself running a meeting and that thought scares me. I don’t like attention or failure. I don’t like looking bad or specifically looking “stupid.”

Connection is huge and for me it is feeling like the guys there really understand me. I also need good honest guys to call me on my bullshit when I am lying, minimizing, playing victim, not taking action, and so many other things that are weaknesses and tendencies of mine. God created us to want connection and deep understanding. In this group I get that. It also shows us that there is real work to be done and that success is possible for us just like it has been for others.

I had no other previous commitments but now that I am reading this I would like to reach out to:
- Greg
- Dustin
- Terry
- Caleb

- attend recovery meetings 2 times a week when possible and no less than 1 a week
- Do recovery work (currently online 12-step curriculum) 15 min a day or more
- Reach out to Todd once a day (especially to go over triggers)
- Reach out to Greg or other recovery friends twice a week
- Read scriptures at least 2 pages daily
- Pray night and especially morning
- Journal once a day a minimum or 2 sentences
- Meditate after prayer for 1 minute after prayer to allow God to speak to me

To me it means I stop turning to porn and lust for comfort and security and instead I pray and lean into God to help me truly discover this comfort and security. Also to learn faith, hope, and trust and to continually build this relationship with God. It means to surrender God’s will over my own. I think stopping the acting out comes first and then we begin to replace those bad habits with new ones that are truly and deeply fulfilling. For me, I would like this to be a spiritual awakening and a true renewal or “rebirth” if you want to be all hippy about it. For me it’s the story of the man who pruned his plant in order for it to re-grow stronger and better than before. I think also God will give us power that we never realized we had, yet we always had the access to. I think we will become greater than we ever have been and that as we work for God and help others his love and power will shine through us and be magnified by our faith and action.

“We must be part of others or we cannot maintain effective surrender, see ourselves rightly, or work the steps.” This sticks out to me because I have realized just how true it is in my time in meetings, and my time away from meetings. Being connected to other people who are working the steps helps me feel a part of something bigger than myself. It shows me the true connection, that thing I’ve been craving for so long.
“The program doesn’t tell us how to stop — we had done that a thousand and one times — it shows us how to keep from starting again.” This is so powerful. It’s not about stopping. The second I relapse and get my fix I have stopped resorting to my addiction, but managing my emotions and the consequences of my acting out keep me from resorting to my addiction again, thus allowing me to not “start again”.
“We discovered that the way to feel better is not only going to meetings but taking the risk of self-disclosure.” Revealing the one thing we thought we could never reveal shows us just how powerful we can be with the help and support of God and others.

Alone we are nothing. It’s like the old arrow proverb/story. One arrow, or stick can be broken easily, but the more you add the harder it becomes to break. The fellowship of the program becomes our strength, support, and guide all in one.

My wife, nightly check in’s. Other SAL and 12 step members. Ecclesiastical leaders as needed.

Phone monitoring app. No social media alone. No secret screen. Accountability.

We can stop without surrendering, which leads us right back into our addiction. When we stop, and then surrender we are surrendering all the thoughts, feelings, character defects, and consequences that may follow to the power of God, trusting that He will guide our thoughts and actions to benefit those around us, instead of benefiting ourselves.

importance of community

to help others, see ourselves clearer, be with others

others in group

dont search for pornography, dont start to masturbate

after being sober we can work on ourselves with gods help