I have a lot of fear. I am finally coming to the reality that I am a sex addict. I don't like labeling myself as that but I am realizing that it is absolutely true. I have tried to get better before and have failed countless times. I want to recover from my addiction. I want to recover for myself and also for my wife and family. I am unsure whether I can save my family but I want to try. I am fearful to have others find out about my shameful addiction.
I would like to recover from my addiction. I would like to overcome the shame and feelings of inadequacy in my life. I would like to find happiness and hope. I would like to feel at peace with God.
I am fearful of relapse. I have tried to overcome these problems before and was unsuccessful. I am afraid of others finding out about my shameful secrets and about my addiction and acting out.
Nothing else has worked for me and as I have started attending the 12 step meetings, I am encouraged by men who I see in long term recovery. There is hope. I want that and and willing to work the steps on a daily level to get there.
I am not sure I know how to do this but I want to do it. I want to let go of the addiction and surrender to God. I feel that if I don't do it now, it will destroy my family and me, if it hasn't already.
I finally feel humble enough to call my acting out what it is--an addiction. I am willing to do what it takes to overcome this.
I am willing to leave behind all that I need to. I am not exactly sure what that will entail but I am willing to find out on a daily basis.
Yes- Because I need healing from adiction
I'll stop acting out
Become closer to God
heal my family
It wont work
I feel it will, it has worked for others
I had a spiritual awakening on Dec 1st
New heart and open eyes to see
Empathy I can now feel
I know that the 12 Steps are essential to learning about myself and the power that my addiction has over me. I will not achieve long term recovery without completing the 12 steps and putting them into daily practice in my life.
the Steps are a path to discovery and healing. I want to understand why I have this addiction and break its power over me through faith in God.
I am not afraid because I truly want long term recovery.
The 12 Step program was created by AA and has been the most successful program and in helping all addict achieve sobriety and remain in long term recovery.
I am ready. I know that I cannot control my addiction without God's power and I have caused tremendous damage to my wife and family because I have been in recovery. I have had too many relapses.
I must work everday on my recovery and incorporate the 12 Steps into all aspects of my life.
My arrogance, stubborness, fear, secrecy and lies to myself, my wife,, and others. All my addictive behavior
Yes. I am looking forward to having a psychological and spiritual transformation in my life. I want to be sober and I want to help others stay sober.
I hope that I gain sobriety, that I find a sense of peace and comfort in my life, that I gain consistency and a sense of purpose, and that I find serenity.
I am afraid I stop working the steps, lose motivation, become discouraged, and quit. I am confident that with God’s help and surrendering negative attitudes, recognizing my powerlessness to recovery on my own, that I can do this
Working the Steps on a day to day basis will work for me because I am committed to taking actions one day at a time. This is an action based program. I want to be willing to take the actions of recovery even when I don’t feel like it.
Yes. I want to have a new life. I want God to work through me to bless others. My way doesn’t work. Trying to do it on my own doesn’t work. I feel so much love from brothers in SAL. I have benefited so much from the fellowship. The fellowship isn’t perfect, I am not perfect. Acknowledging the imperfections of myself and others, I still choose to go forward and rely on God who has all power to keep me sober and transform my life.
What will be different this time is trusting God and surrendering my will. I want to be willing to do recovery God’s way, not my way. I trust that He has an answer to every problem I face. He will guide me. I have nothing to worry about. He wants me to get married and have a happy, successful family built upon the principles of Christ’s gospel. Whatever inspires me to believe in God, to love Him, to be sober, and help others, is of God. Remember Zac, SAL fits all these requirements. Ask not what you can get, ask what you can give to the program. Offer the kind of support and empathy to others that you wish for yourself. Give abundantly and receive whatever comes. Put in the effort one day at a time and let go of the outcome.
I am willing to leave behind fears about recovery, doubts about if I can get sober, resentments towards parents, others in the SAL program, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and BYU. If I am resenting institutions that have the purpose of helping me and helping others, than where is my heart?
I need to do this for me. I want to thrive as a person and this is the way forward for me.
That life becomes easier and my path becomes clearer.
Complacency... Ive already let things slip in a big way in terms of doing the work.
It does work. I know it does.
Yes... Im ready
Consistency, I need this work to accompany my sobriety otherwise it feels empty.
I am leaving behind my complacency and procrastination. Lets do this.
I am finally going to work the steps and I am looking forward to it but am also nervous. I have some doubts but I hope over time those doubts will fade.
I hope as I go through the steps I can figure out how to navigate through life correctly when it comes to dealing with my thoughts and actions when times get hard.
That I will fail
I think it will work for me because it will keep me accountable, focused, and dedicated to what I'm trying to accomplish here on a day to day basis.
a small part of me wants to keep it due to it being familiar but I know in the long run it wont sustain me. I'm ready to turn my will over to a higher power because I don't know what else can help.
Why now? I want my marriage to work, I don't want to be who I was/am and be someone that can be trusted and looked up too.
Actually doing the steps instead of "trying" to heal on my own. It has never worked and it will never work. With this structured course and having a sponsor to help guide me, I have hopes that this will turn out much better.
I've already started by getting rid of all my social accounts but Facebook since I've been good on there. I don't use it as a tool of bad but for good. I go to sleep and get up at decent hours instead of staying up late. Being on the computer before and after work has greatly decreased. Those are the things I have been willing to leave behind so far. This si the new normal that I'm still trying to get used to. I'm sure I'll be adding to the list as I go along here.
Yes I need to fix my adversity toward being faithful to my wife!
I can become better happier person and make my family respect me
My wife choose not to work out my issues in our marriage
It will help
Not necessarily, need some help
Focus determination to look within
Cheating on my wife
I am. I think there are actions, like making a full disclosure, that will be essential to help me be sober and recover. I am apprehensive about what the steps will require me to do, but the cost of the addiction is greater thant the cost of recovery.
I hope I am able to make consistent progress with sobriety and recovery. I hope to see and feel progress despite setbacks in sobriety. I hope that I'll be able to gain a more realistic view of myself and others. I hope that I can reconnect with God as I know Him.
I am afraid I may begin to hold back and work the steps dishonestly with myself, going through the motions instead of really changing.
I feel that the every day work will help me grow in discipline and habit. Exercise, study, overcoming procrasination, are all things that I need to begin doing every day to truly form a habit and make progress, and I know this will be the same, instead of just coming back and working hard when I relapse.
I don't know. I need to gain the belief that the change I make now, with this daily work and with the work with my therapist, can be a different kind of change, instead of the temporary ones I have made in the past. I need to develop a new view of God, and know Him in a new way. My view of a Higher Power has become riddled with doubt in the past couple of years. But I do think that now is the best time to do this, as it could always be worse and I need to gain sanity and sobriety before I am in a relationship.
I am much more connected. To my therapist, to people in that group, to 12-step groups and sponsors. Connection, and daily effort, are what I have lacked in the past.
I will need to leave behind my false view of myself, and the ego that I present to other people. This is the version of me that hides this addiction, that shouldn't have to deal with it, that isn't at fault for it, and that doesn't have this weakness. Even if I want people to see me that way, that person doesn't exist. The version of me that can fix this all by himself, or can still hold onto being relaxed and unengaged in daily recovery, doesn't exist either. I'll need to let go of the idea that I can do this that way, and that I'll be happier if I don't do the work necessary to gain sobriety and recovery.
Yes, I actually am. I have done 12 steps in the Addiction Recovery Program (ARP) but I have learned, grown, and developed so much since then and the ARP is more generic to addictions of all kinds.
I hope that I will gain more strength in sobriety and draw closer to my Higher Power.
I worry that I may just check boxes or that I may fail to really put my whole heart into it and relapse.
I have seen how dailies and routines help me tremendously. I feel like working the steps on a day to day basis will work for me.
Yes! I have been trying to do this for a long time and have had some good success. I am beyond ready!
I have a firm foundation of therapy, group work, knowledge from books and podcasts, etc. that this will be a solid effort.
Willing and open to leaving anything behind that keeps me from changing for the better.
I am looking forward to it. However, there is a part of me that wants to do it on my own without step work.
To find the miracle of sobriety. Find the connection with God that I have been searching for. I hope to be consistent.
I’m afraid that this won’t work for me, that I will relapse again. I’m also afraid that I will find parts of me that I have been hiding from myself and others and God.
I have hope they will work. As God’s prophet said The Lord loves efforts. I believe working the will help me see and let go of my addictive tendencies.
Yes I’m so tired of this addiction. I’m wanting to let go of this so bad. I want to choose this as my rock bottom. I want God, I need His everlasting support.
I will submit my will to Him. I believe that I will accept this work as the pathway to recovery. Instead of using willpower and distraction.
Snapchat, steps towards lust, pornography website, my will and agency to rebel against God.
Yes, I'm looking forward to working the step, because I am tired of the frustration of what I have tried so for to try and overcome my addiction.
I hope that I can overcome my addictions so my wife and family feel like they are the most important people in my life, and as I work the steps I hope that someday I can overcome the thoughts I think when I see an attractive woman and see her as another person with the respect they deserve.
I afraid that I will never be able to overcome my thought and continue feeling shame and frustration for the thoughts that are in my head and the way I make my wife feel when she sees me looking at other women.
I have already found some success work step from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint 12 step program, and after talking with my sponsor, he suggested I should work this course because he felt that I would have better success as he did.
I am ready to turn my will over to Jesus Christ because I know he already suffered for me. Through therapy I have discovered the effects my addiction have made on me and my family, I feel as though if I can't overcome it I will lose my family and the strength to keep fighting.
I have learned that I am not able to recover by myself with out the support of other people and especially Jesus Christ. I finally view my problem as being a allot bigger and more damaging than I ever did before.
I feel that the only way I will ever overcome my addiction is to understand the will and plan Jesus Christ has for me a turn my life over to him and he's will and give up anything that is necessary to overcome my addiction.
Yes I'm looking forward to working the steps. Because I haven't been able to maintain sobriety for any noteworthy length of time. I 'know' a lot about recovery- but seem incapable of truly doing lifechanging work on a regular basis.
I hope that daily I'll have a renewal of strength and hope that indeed I am breaking free from the bonds of sexual addiction.
I'm afraid that I may rationalize myself away from doing this work on a daily basis.
I feel like it'll be my ticket because heretofore I've been able to rationalize myself out of doing daily work, or sometimes any 'work' at all.
Sometimes, I'm not so sure I am. I've help on to this addiction for so long as a safety net, emotionally, and it always requires that I go back to it- and it feeds shame and has ever crippled my confidence. Why now? My life is unmanageable- and I don't want it in my life anymore. When I desire to be free of it it seems to still creep into my mind as an option.
Daily accountability. Daily effort.
Absolute honesty about actions that feed lust. Honest towards my wife if I feel safe enough- if not her another individual I trust such as my sponsor.
Yes, I am looking forward to working the steps because I want to create a better life for not only myself, but also for my family. I know it will be hard work, but I am ready to give it my all to further my recovery, as well as be there to support my wife during her recovery.
While I work the steps, I hope that I can discover new ways to help me learn more about the healing process and recovery from addiction.
I'm afraid that I might not understand everything, so therefore won't be able to complete the steps. I won't be able to fully heal and recover from my addiction.
I feel it will work for me as I don't always pick up on things the first time around. Taking time to learn things is very helpful for me.
Yes, I am really ready to let go of my addiction and turn my will over to my Higher Power. I want to prove to my family and to my higher power than I am strong enough to let go of my addiction.
This time I will be strong enough to not be tempted by my past addictions and behaviors. I want to show my family and friends that I am not that person, but rather a new person who makes it not all about themselves.
I am willing to leave behind my selfishness, my angry behavior, my desire to go do something destructive when I'm bored rather than spend time with my family.
I am looking forward to working the steps, because I know My life has become unmanageable. I am unhappy and blaming that on my wife and others. I need to take responsibility for my own life and emotions.
I hope to find clarity in my mind and empathy for the pain I have caused to my wife and family.
I might uncover repressed emotions that are more powerful than I am able to bare.
I need to constant 'work' in my day to remind me of the severity of what I have done. I have tired to work the steps with another group that did not require the daily work and it had little impact on my additive behaviors.
YES. Today I had a fight with my wife where I said very hurtful things to her out of shame and in an attempt to reduce my accountability. I can never take those things back, and I NEVER want to hurt her that way again. I know I have severly damaged my brain and I want true recovery not just white-knuckled abstinence.
I will have an accountability partner and structure to the steps. I get lost without clearly defined work to be done. I feel having this structure will help me to stay motivated and to allow me to see progress in the work as I complete the daily steps.
I am willing to leave everything behind me as I create this new normal.
Yes. I’m excited to work the steps because I want to be free from addiction and I want a closer and deeper personal relationship with God, my wife, and with my family.
I hope I can work the steps more at face value in the beginning but as I continue to work them, find more meanings and ways to work each step in order to grow more.
Nothing. I know it’s going to be hard. If I focus on the things that could or might happen, I tend to think about those things more and feel like I have to work harder to not act out.
I feel it will work because I will think about it daily and it will become a habit and more at the front of my mind. I think I’ll be more aware throughout the day about the steps and step work.
Yes I am. Now because I never wanted the addiction in the first place. Now because if I could go back in time and figure out a way to avoid it altogether I would. But I can’t do that, so now is the best time.
Step work, openness, accountability… I’ve never been in a program and I’ve never been open about my addiction before and always tried to quit on my own with no accountability and no knowledge of how or what to do.
Anything that triggers me to feel like I want to act out. I’m willing to have boundaries and leave behind my pride and fear.
Yes. The steps work, and I've tried everything else without success.
That I will gain sobriety, and improvement in all areas of my character.
I will relapse.
I've seen it work for others.
Yes. I don't exactly know why, but it's time.
I have the group, and my higher power.
Yes. Because I want to be normal, and I want to be a better person for myself and for my family.
I become a better husband, father and friend. I also hope that I can be intimate with my wife. I also hope that she can forgive me and wants still to be with me.
I am afraid that I won't be able to have a normal relationship ever again or be able to be intimate with anyone ever again.
I believe it will work and I beleive that because I don't want to fall back into old habits and I know that I'll be tempted to do so very frequently.
Yes, becuase I'm now able to see it as it truly is, see how much it has damaged me, how much it has damaged those around me, and all of its correlations to other areas of my life where in which I've failed or am close to failing.
I have a program to follow, I have people to keep me honest and a csat to support me as well.
Whatever it takes.
Yes, because I am excited to not have sexual compulsion anymore. I am excited to live life in a beautiful way. I am somewhat overwhelmed with life.
Just that I am able to appreciate the beauty and serenity of life. I want to feel good and beautiful. I want to feel connected with God and develop trust and confidence in myself.
I am afraid that sobriety may never come. I have challenges when working the steps.
Because my college life is so so so busy. It is extremely difficult for me.
Yes. Because of what happened with Rebecca, because I am so much more secure as an individual. I can get my validation from God.
I have identified shame and perfectionism as the roots of my addiction.
Everything bad. I want a new life. One where I feel secure and happy.
Yes, I'm excited to find lasting change and freedom from the overpowering drives that control me.
I learn how to live daily and can be the man I've always wanted but felt was beyond me.
I'm afraid nothing will change
It will work because daily work focuses me and guides me to choose better.
Yes i am. I have everything to lose if I don't.
It's not just me and will power.
Unhealthy lust cravings.
yes itll show where i need to grow
ill see where i can improve
i wont like it
business of life
yes tried on my own doesn't work
shame and sneakiness
I am looking forward to working the Steps. I have been sober for about 2.5 months and the longer it has gone without starting the steps I have been worried that I would start to get complacent. Working the steps will help me progress. They will push me and I am scared what I will discover about myself in the process, but I must face this fear as that could be the cause of my addiction in the first place.
More self realization, tools and a mindset change that will help me continually conquer my addiction one day at a time
I am afraid that I will discover my true feelings and maybe past trauma. What I have been hiding from this whole time.
The true answer is that I don’t know how I will fit in the day to day work. Life is really busy. This will take the place of my daily recovery material reading, which I have been successful at doing everyday for a few weeks now. I am eager to start, but I will have to make time for this program each day.
I have experienced a change of heart already, or at least an initial change of heart to get me to the beginnings of the path to recovery. I have also experienced some difficulty in surrendering my emotions to God these past couple of days in dealing with my emotions and desire to lust. I haven’t lusted, but then the emotions took over and I discovered that I was quick to anger. I’m ready, even though I know this road will be difficult. I am willing!
I have only previously tried to quit via will power, without the knowledge that I was addicted. I knew I could stop, but the issue was that I couldn’t stay away for too long. The big difference this time around is that I have a program, I have the support of my wife (my addiction is no longer a secret), I now have a sponsor, and I have daily tasks that I do for my recovery each day. I finally have some sort of map towards recovery.
I know there will be struggles leaving things behind, but I am willing to leave pretty much everything behind besides my family. They are one of my reasons for getting sober. I have robbed them of myself for too long. Time to put in the work.
looking to be free ,shame
no hope I will be a different person
I fail
yes I am Im not getting any younger and its about time I grow up
I am looking forward to the steps becuase I want to be a deciple of Christ and do his will. Apart of his will is for me to have a family that is strong in his gosple and that loves one another. The only way to accomplish this is by coninually for the rest of my life staying sober.
I hope to grow my relationaship with christ and learn how to get over this addiction for good
I am afraid of failing and I know the pain that I will experience through this process and the layers of weaknesses that ill now be able to clearer then before.
I think it will work for me becuase I know that thefarther away I am form this addition the closer I am to christ and what he has to offer me.
Yes, Because I have felt of the love of Christ and I know that that's what I want in life. And this is what I want to teach my kids. I started this process of recovery a log time ago but I'm happy to be able to have a daily reminder of what I don't want in my life. Temptations will never go away which is why it is so important to have this daily reminder of what I need to do.
This time I will go t meetings and will make a daily effort to get myself farther and farther away form this
I'm willing to give away everything worldly in my life
Yes, I am motivated to change. I have a willingness to learn and apply a new way. Not for anyone other than myself and God so that I can live free of lust and in sobriety and recovery. My lifelong struggles can be overcome - I'm encouraged that others have walked this path and speak of great healing, recovery and success.
I hope for insights into why and how to overcome lust and change my ways of thinking, acting and behaviors. I know that the acting out with pornography and masturbation is a symptom of deeper issues and defects of my character and caused by my underlying trauma. I hope the steps help uncover these, bring them to light so that I can work with God on healing these as well. As I work the steps it would be amazing if I can rebuild and restore relationships which have been so damaged by my actions and behaviors over the years.
I am also honestly a little fearful that I will once again start and stop my recovery. I fear not finding a sponsor and getting distracted and too busy for it. This has been a problem and a part of my journey in the past. I fear not being able to be "good enough" or have something to offer the group and others in my healing. This is a long standing fear for me and it will be one that I could carry even into working the steps. Not being honest enough and still trying to hide things would be another thing I am afraid of doing.
I know regular working will be the best approach. Day by day. What will be a problem is making the commitment of time it will take and staying consistent as I work it into my schedule.
Yes! I have hit rock bottom. I have come to realize I am a person who has emotionally abused those around me and my way of operating has been so self-centered. I have an unmanageable life right now - living separated, paying for an apartment and a house by myself because my wife has so much trauma due to my lust and character defects.
Working the steps and staying in community with the program. Making calls and participation is the only way to change from temporary sobriety to long term recovery. This has to be the path this time.
I am willing to leave behind the old me - fearful, image managing, hiding, lying and lusting to numb my feelings of shame about who I really am. My life of duplicity needs to be left behind and I need to be in union and surrender to God. In the past I really really tried hard - I need to now leave the behind and move into training or working the steps and surrender to God. Leave my control and power behind!
I am, I’m looking to free myself from the chains of addiction and I’m willing to do anything.
I hope I change in all facets of my life, not just recovery.
I’m afraid I’ll burn out and just try to shrug it off.
I feel like it’ll inspire me and get me in a habit. Consistency is key.
My marriage and family is in the balance. I’d rather die than for my family to be destroyed by my addiction.
Consistency. Actually being truthful in my efforts and keep it 100.
Viewing and masturbating to pornography. I’m willing to change or add any and all behaviors to achieve this.