The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous




Alcoholics Anonymous (also known as the Big Book in recovery circles) sets forth cornerstone concepts of recovery from alcoholism and tells the stories of men and women who have overcome the disease.

The fourth edition includes twenty-four new stories that provide contemporary sharing for newcomers seeking recovery from alcoholism in A.A. during the early years of the 21st century.

Sixteen stories are retained from the third edition, including the “Pioneers of A.A.” section, which helps the reader remain linked to A.A.’s historic roots, and shows how early members applied this simple but profound program that helps alcoholics get sober today.

This fourth edition has been approved by the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous, in the hope that many more may be led toward recovery by reading its explanation of the A.A. program and its varied examples of personal experiences which demonstrate that the A.A. program works.

This book is also used in the Men’s 12-Step Curriculum Course.

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* This book is not produced by S.A. Lifeline Foundation. We make no claim to its authorship and gladly abide by its copyright. SAL members recognize and express appreciation for the sacrifices of those who have gone before us to produce and distribute these materials.