Thank you for your interest in attending the Men’s 12 Step in-person meetings.
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What to expect at your first SAL meeting
- SAL Recovery meetings are 90 minutes long.
- SAL meetings are run by a Group Moderator, which is a volunteer position that rotates every 6 months.
- There are no official leaders in our groups. We are all fellows among fellows. Each one of us is there as an equal individual working our own recovery.
- At meetings, we introduce ourselves by first name only.
- Anonymity is expected and protected in all of our meetings.
- Meetings include 3 parts: Introductory Readings, Step Study, and Shares.
Step Study
Step Study is the portion of the meeting where we read from four primary study materials: The White Book & Step Into Action of SA and The Big Book and The 12 & 12 of AA.
Your first meeting may be the study of Step 1, Step 4, or even Step 12. It doesn’t particularly matter where the meeting starts, as we are committing ourselves to a lifestyle change where we will be studying all of the Steps over and over and trying to implement them into all areas of our lives.
The final 30 minutes of the meeting is reserved for Sharing. Anyone who feels so inclined will take 2-3 minutes and share with the group what they are learning about or struggling with in their lives as they work to apply the 12 steps.
- Sharing is voluntary
- Shares are recovery-based, not dumping sessions
- Shares are where we share our strength, hope, and experience with one another.
- Sharing in meetings is strongly encouraged as a way to increase your personal level of recovery.
At your first meeting, you will be welcomed by group members and encouraged to take a copy of the phone list.
You will also need to purchase your own study materials .