Let's Work Together Qualified Therapy + 12 Step Recovery

How Qualified Therapy & 12-Step

Work Together

In this FREE Webinar, Dr. Jill Manning will share how sending her clients to SAL has effected their recovery.

Join us on Monday, January 24th from 12-1 pm MT via Zoom for this special therapist webinar.

Our Goals:

– To foster lasting relationships with qualified therapists
– To refer our clients to these therapists
– To help clients see how 12-Step, coupled with qualified therapy, really WORKS!

If you feel you can help us achieve these goals in 2022, sign up for the FREE Webinar today!


S.A. Lifeline Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to recovering individuals and healing families from the effects of sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. It was founded and is operated by people who have experienced sexual addiction and betrayal trauma, and who, through their own experience, know that recovery takes strenuous work and that living in recovery is possible. They recognize that God is at the center of recovery, and that true recovery begins with honesty and a willingness to “surrender” to the God of our understanding. They support the work of recovery based on four specific pillars:

  • Education about sexual addiction and betrayal trauma with an emphasis on the work and the hope for recovery
  • Appropriate Boundaries to Establish Safety
  • Spiritual Connection supported by working SAL 12 Step with a sponsor
  • Qualified Therapy is recommended


SAL12-Step Recovery Tools

Service Opportunities. How to Start & Run an SAL Meeting. Buy Recovery Materials.

Service Opportunities

Start & Run SAL Meetings

Buy Materials for 12-Step Work